258 : Unicorn (Unedited)

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Just as the two of them continued to walk into the depths of the forest, Murong suddenly felt a warm atmosphere. That feeling is like being illuminated by the warm sun, and the whole person is immersed in a very comfortable atmosphere.
This feeling of comfort is something that Murong never felt before he turned his face. She is now like a glance in the mother's arms, feeling extra sense of security. At this moment, she can't help but want to indulge herself and stay in this warm atmosphere forever. In this way, forget all the troubles and forget everything.
Just as she was going to continue to indulge, her mind suddenly became clear, and her consciousness immediately woke up. At the same time, she is also fortunate for herself.
However, while she was awake, she found herself lying in the arms of the emperor. For a time, she felt a little embarrassed. She clearly remembered that when they were just holding hands, they walked together. How can she now lie in her arms? What happened to this?

"Yan, you are all right!" Huangfu looked at the person in his arms, with a worried eye. "Do you feel uncomfortable there?"
"I'm fine." Murong shook her head and shook her head. She now only feels a mess in her mind, and she simply can't figure out what happened. "What happened to me?"
"Master, you are almost in a state of illusion." Xiaobai patted his little chest and looked scared. "If it wasn't for the Emperor, you would probably sleep now."
When it comes to it, it’s still a little scared now! Originally they walked well, but the master suddenly fainted. However, it is good to have Huangfu. In the first time when the owner passed out, Huangfu directly awakened the owner. Otherwise, it really doesn't know what will happen.
"Fantasy?" Murong squinted at the bottom of his eyes. "No wonder, when I just felt, I felt a very comfortable atmosphere, and then I couldn't help but want to immerse myself. It turned out to be a fantasy! But here How can there be a fantasy?"
"That would be the culprit."
During the conversation, Huangfu looked at him and then reached out and made a gesture in one of the directions. Soon, in front of them, a Warcraft appeared out of thin air.
The only piece of Warcraft in front of him is like a white horse. There is a spiral angle in front of the forehead. On its back, there is also a pair of white wings. It can be said that when you see this Warcraft, the first word people think of is holy.
"This should be a unicorn!" Even if you haven't seen it, Murong can still guess, this should be the purpose of their trip.
However, at this time, the unicorn is like being shackled by something. The whole beast is constantly struggling. It seems that he wants to be free, but he can never get rid of it.
"Yes, this is the unicorn." When Huangfu looked at the unicorn, there was no trace of temperature at the bottom of his eyes. "The horn of it is the main purpose of our visit this time."

Originally, he did not intend to have the life of this unicorn. At the beginning, he only wanted to get the horn of the unicorn. However, now this unicorn actually attacks Yan, and even the child who is almost harmed is in a illusion. He has absolutely no way to light it.
"Oh, I'm fine." Murong looked at Huangfu very well, so she saw the thought of Huangfu at a glance. She pulled the sleeves of the emperor and opened her mouth. "You just let it go! It also Not intentional."
"Impossible!" Huang Fu’s tone is unbearable. "It must die."
He will not let anyone who tries to harm Yan's children or things. If this time is not discovered by him in time, Yan Er is likely to be immersed in the environment, so he has fallen asleep. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to let go of this unicorn. He will not allow anything that harms the child to exist in this world.
"Oh, let's forget it!" Murong said with a sigh of relief. "It's plain, and it's where we first ran at it. And, the purpose of our visit this time is still for its horn, it's shot for us, too. It is forgiven."
To really say it, they are also wrong. This unicorn is just self-defense. There is no need to order the life of this unicorn for such a small thing. Especially now the unicorn is about to become extinct.
Huang Biao's brow wrinkled, apparently disagreeing with Murong's remarks. However, he does not want to violate the will of Murong. In the end, he nodded and then took it in his hand. The unicorn was as if it had been pulled by something invisible and flew directly to them.
Looking closely at the unicorn, Murong revealed that the unicorn seemed to have a very holy feeling, and people could not help but want to guard this purity.
"Hey, I almost fell into a fantasy, that is what the unicorn did!" Murong said with a smile. "I didn't expect this unicorn to have such a skill, which can make people fall into a illusion. ”
"This is the biggest skill of the unicorn." Huangfu explained. "The unicorns have a strong fighting ability. However, they are born with a kind of power that can make people fall into the environment. If the will is not strong enough, Once caught in a illusion, it is easy to get out of the way, only in the environment forever, until it dies."

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