310 : Shenhou (Unedited)

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Murong nodded so much, she squeezed in directly, and then walked in the direction of the bed, when she saw Long Li's pale face, she could only helplessly sigh.

"Looking at you, you are coming." When he saw Murong's face, the dragon rogue was very excited. When he stepped forward, he must grasp the hand of Murong's face. "Look at Lily."

However, when he saw the emperor's face behind Murong, he quickly put his hand down.

"How is Lily now?" Murong asked, "Is the pharmacist seen?"

"The pharmacist has already seen it, but there is no way." Longliu eagerly said, "Let's have a look at Lily! See if there is any way to cure her."

The Song family's extremism is not a general move. Even if the attack is stopped, the destruction of the mysterious force that has already oozing out of the body will not stop. Instead, it will continue to destroy the meridians in the body. However, fortunately, before, Murong had already given a long-term remedy for Long Li, so Long Li was only temporarily.

Not only is the dragon flowing, but the face of Long Kui is also worried. He is really worried that Long Lizhen will have irreparable problems because of this test.

"There will be nothing." Seeing other people's anxious appearance, Murong sighed softly and said, "I will cure Li, you don't have to worry."

After getting the promise of Murong's face, whether it is Long Kui or Long Liu, they are relieved. The strength of Murong's beauty, they are very clear, before she was able to refine the antidote even the poisonous and overbearing poison of the refining soul, it is not difficult to cure Long Lizhen now.

After Murong's revelation brought everyone to the side, she began to take care of Long Li's pulse. At the same time, she also began to check in the body of Long Li's body with Xuan Li. When she discovered that Longli's body was damaged by an unidentified force, she not only frowned.

It seems that this time Long Li was hurt more than she had imagined. The damage caused by the Song family is really not small! Sure enough, it is the school of the Song family.

It seems that the face of Murong's face is not very good. Long Kui and Long Liu, who are on the side, are a little worried. However, they did not speak because they believed that Murong's face would cure Long Li's.

"Well, you should go out now!" Long Liyi turned his head and looked at the other people in the Dragon family. "I am going to start treating Li, now you need to avoid it."

After hearing the words of Murong, many people are not convinced. Everyone thinks that what is said here is the site of their dragon family. Why does Murong pour out to let them leave? However, under the command of Long Kui, everyone can only obey.

Soon, there was only Huangfu and Murong in the room. The other people who originally had the Dragon family had a lot of opinions about Huangfu's stay here. However, after seeing Huangfu's face, no one dared to ask him to leave.

The room was very quiet, because at this time, Long Lizhen could not even scream.

Murong leaned up and looked at Long Li, who was lying in bed, with a dim eyes, then a ring finger, and then a cluster of golden flames appeared directly in front of her. This flame is pure gold, without any impurities. This is the first fire that she got first - the heart of the earth.

Originally, she wanted to rely on Dan medicine to cure Long Li, but after reviewing the situation in Long Li's body, she changed her mind. If she was only treated with medicinal herbs, Longli's recovery would be very slow, so she decided to use the heart of the earth to repair the damaged meridians for Longli.

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