354 : Unauthorized study (Unedited)

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After leaving the North Shadow family, Murong and Yan Huang did not hang out on the street. Instead, they rented a small boat and then made a boat directly on the lake. It looked very comfortable.

The two are sitting at the stern, relying on each other, as long as the outsiders see it, they will see the intimacy between the two, not anyone can enter it at will. There are no other people besides the two on board. However, the boat is still slowly moving forward, no wind automatically.

Murong leaned on the shoulders of Huangfu and enjoyed this rare quiet moment.

"Hey, you said, is it really a temperament?" Murong pouted and joked. "How do I feel that there is no way to calm down wherever I go?"

is not it! Whether it was in the Murong family, or later went to Qinglong College, or later to the cloud, her life seems to have never been calm. No matter what time, it is full of troubles. Isn't she really the legendary physique?

“What are you thinking about?” After hearing the words of Murong, Huangfu said with a funny smile. “If you want to become stronger, it is bound to face. Only the strong will recruit others.” And the weak have no such ability."

"It seems that it is not bad!" Murong smiled and spit out his tongue. "However, I have a hunch that this trip of the North Shadow family is absolutely calm."

"You still think about the watery words?" Huangfu looked at the thoughts of Murong's heart.

"Yes," Murong said, and there was nothing to hide. She nodded. "In fact, I really didn't think that this secluded water was actually the original family of Chen. people."

"You didn't believe what she said to her." Huangfu abruptly said, "Maybe, you don't think that she has a relationship with your mother, she said so well."

"You are right." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked with a sardonic smile. "She and my mother were not good sisters at the beginning. I don't want this. But, I am sure, now in the heart of the water, the mother is absolutely It’s impossible to be her good sister. And, it can be seen that the water does not seem to want to wake up."

Before the faint water heard that she had a way to let her mother wake up, such performance, it is absolutely impossible to be happy. However, she does not want her mother to wake up like this. I don’t know why? Also, did the mother’s first occurrence have something to do with her?

"This kind of secluded water is really not good." Huangfu reached out and touched the hair of Murong's face, and said, "When you meet her, be careful, you can see that her heart Very deep."

"I know this." Murong's mouth smirked and smiled. "I naturally can see that the water is not good. The North Shadow Crystal has just been injured in our hands, now At this time, she actually came to show me, obviously the weasel gave the chicken a New Year's greeting. Just, I don't know what her mind is trying to do."

"In the future, she will always show her feet." Huangfu reached out and grabbed the waist of Murong's face. He said, "Now that it has already come out, don't think too much. What you have to do now is to put Everything in your heart is put down, and then enjoy this rare quiet moment."

"I know." Murong made a face to the emperor, then turned his head and looked at the scenery by the lake. He couldn't help but sigh and admire, "Hey, the scenery here is really very good!" Along the way, I feel calm! I didn't expect it to be really a good place!"

In fact, not only are they a boat on the lake, but other boats are driving on the lake. However, I don't know whether it is deliberate or unintentional. The ships and their boat have always kept a certain distance and they seem to be irrelevant.

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