297 : Challenge (Unedited)

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The next day, when Long Lizhen came to Murong again, she was turned away. Because Murong has already been pulled out by Huangfu.

The day before, Murong pour out and go out with Long Lizhen. Although Huangfu's mouth did not say anything, her heart was still a little dissatisfied. After coming to this city, he and Murong did not go out together, but Long Lizhen took Murong and went out to finish the day.

Therefore, he also intends to go out with Murong to go out for a day.

For the practice of Huangfu, Murong felt a bit funny. However, she will not refuse Huangfu. So in the early morning, the two left the inn and went out.

When Long Lizhen came, it was natural that even the door could not enter. She stumbled and could only return to her room. She doesn't want to go out to play alone. And other cousins, it seems that there is no such interest, so she decided to go back to the room alone.

Murong and Yan Huang strolled on the street outside. The combination of handsome men and women has attracted many people's attention.

For such a look, Murong is now completely immune, and she still pulls the imperial concubine and shuttles through the various stalls.

It was not the same as when it came out yesterday. At this time, Huangfu was with him, and Murong looked more comfortable.

However, following the two people, there is no such good mood. Especially when I saw the sweet smile on Murong's face, the person behind him was even more resentful.

This person who is behind Murong is not someone else, it is Song Liyi. Since she came to the inn on the first day to see Murong's face, she has never wanted to smash Murong's body. Unfortunately, no opportunity has been found.

Early in the morning, she just saw Murong pour out and a man went out. Although she did not know who the man was, she probably knew that this should be what the people in the Hell Temple said, following the mysterious man who was surrounded by Murong.

I don't know why, when she saw Murong's face and the man's going out, she made a fool of her. However, because she followed up, she also made her heart more resentful towards Murong.

Why, Murong can face the street with a man like this sweet! Her Liner is also the same age as Murong. If her Liner is still alive, she should now have the object of marriage and marriage. She will also be like a face of Murong, with a sweet smile on her face. .

However, because Murong is fascinated, her Lin is no longer there. Murong, who killed Liner, is there any qualification to enjoy everything like this?

The more I think, the deeper the resentment in Song Liyi's heart. If the eyes can be turned into entities, then the present Murong should have been squandered.

Song Liyi thought that she tracked very well, but in fact Huangfu and Murong had already discovered her existence. Just because her existence did not affect them, they pretended not to see it.

However, Huangfu has a feeling of disgust for Song Liyi. He finally came out with Yan, but the Song Liyi was not a good one, but he wanted to follow it, and he didn't know what to do.

It seems that I noticed that the mood of Huangfu was a little changed. Murong leaned and pulled his sleeves and shook his head gently. The meaning was very simple, that is, let him not care about Song Liyi.

It is a pity that Murong and Yan Huang did not intend to do anything with Song Liyi. However, Song Liyi is not safe.

Murong Yanyan and Huangfu stopped in front of a small stall.

Murong looked down on a small plant above the stall. After telling the price, Murong was preparing to pay, but one hand went straight to take the plant away, then one The bag was directly thrown into the small stall.

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