206 : Customs Clearance (Unedited)

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"Shantou, you really are too arrogant for me." After seeing the Song family and the Chen family have left, the Yuan, who has been squeezing his face, suddenly burst into laughter, "I want them." Know, don't think that their family is a fragrant, everyone wants to go to them."

He felt happy when he thought of the way the Song family and Chen's old husband had just left. Hey, really proud of what the Song family and Chen family have? Finally, it was not rejected. His little apprentice is really good!

"Master, you still have to take back your stupidity!" Murong turned his face and looked away. "If you are not seen by others, it will really hurt your reputation."

"I said, you can't let your Master be happy?" Yuan Li felt that he could understand the feelings of the few old men. "Do you know how to respect the teacher!"

"That Master, you are laughing here slowly!" Murong tilted his hand and shook his hand. "I will go back first."

Seeing that Murong was going to leave, Yuan Yuan quickly shouted at her, "Wait a minute!"

"Is there anything else?" Murong turned his head and looked at Yuan Yuan, with doubts on his face.

"Looking at the face, what are your plans for the next time?" Yuan took away the smile on his face, and the whole person became serious. "What happened on the college contest has already caused a lot of clouds." People's attention. Especially when you are young, you are already a master in the middle and late Yuan Ying period, and you are still a five-in-one alchemy teacher. Your talent will make many people's eyes focus on you."

"Master, what you mean is --" Murong looked at Yuan Yuan and frowned. "I will live in the future, I am afraid I can't calm down, is it?"

"Yes." Yuan nodded and nodded. "Although I saw you rejecting the old family of Song and Chen, I am very happy in my heart. However, according to my understanding of them, they should not Will easily give up. Especially the talent on your alchemy is so high, they can't bear it."

"Master, rest assured, if I don't want to, they can't help me." Murong smiled confidently. "Of course, I don't rule out that they don't get it and want to ruin it. But, want to ruin me, too It's not a simple matter, you forgot, and my side is also protected."

After hearing the words of Murong, Yuan was brighter than the eyes, and I remembered that after the rotor that was protected by Murong's face, I was finally relieved.

In the days that followed, Murong retired and practiced alchemy and cultivation. If there is time, he will go to see Long Lizhen, and life is extraordinarily regular. As for the Song family and the Chen family, they have never come to see her again. I don't know if I gave up, or for other reasons.

After the college competition, everything has returned to calm, and everyone's life is still going on. However, there are some things that are still changing quietly. The most obvious change is the status of Murong.

Although the former Murong was a disciple of the dean, but in normal times, the exchanges with the people were not intimate. In addition, there were later white crickets in which they were arrogant, so everyone did not have a good impression of her. However, it is different now. After the college competition, everyone's attitude toward Murong's face is almost a hundred and eighty degree change. In addition, later, Murong regained his original appearance and became even more eye-catching.

The appearance of the country, the strong cultivation, coupled with the superb alchemy technology, for a time, Murong's face in the Qinglong Academy is very prosperous, and there is even a tendency to faint beyond Xuanyuanlang.

Now everyone will say hello when they see Murong.

For such a change, Murong smiled and smiled. She wouldn't feel lonely when no one had done it before. Now that she sees everyone's show, she won't be proud.

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