299 : Life & Death (Unedited)

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After hearing the words of Song Liyi, Murong was not angry, she nodded. "I don't know what else Mrs. Song has?"

She wants to look at it. At this time, Song Liyi has any tricks to play.

"I want to sign a life and death with you." Song Liyi flashed a thick killing in the eyes. "Sign the life and death, wait a moment on the table, life and death have their own destiny, no one can repent, not allowed to Responsible afterwards."

Even if it is on the cutting table, it must be on the spot, and it is not allowed to hurt others' lives at will, otherwise it will be a violation of the regulations. Of course, unless the two sides signed the life and death before the test, then the life and death on the table will see their strength.

Signed the life and death, even if the other party is killed, then the other family can not avenge.

Now that she has stood on the platform, Song Liyi is not just trying to teach Murong to pour out her face. What she wants is the fate of Murong. This kind of good opportunity is not always there. This time, since Murong was provocative and provocative, even if she killed Murong, then Chen had nothing to say. However, the premise is that she must sign a life and death with Murong.

"Is life and death?" After hearing the words of Song Liyi, Murong poked a funny smile on his lips. "Mrs. Song, are you sure?"

Originally, she was only planning to teach Song Liyi today, and did not really want to take advantage of this opportunity to ask Song Liyi's life, but did not expect that Song Liyi actually rushed to find death at this time.

The people in the audience naturally heard the words of Song Liyi, and everyone began to talk.

Some people think that Song Liyi's approach is too much. Isn't it obvious that it's the fate of the face? Otherwise, why do you want to sign any life or death?

However, some people think that Song Liyi's approach is also understandable. After all, this time is the challenge that Murong first mentioned. Moreover, on the basis of the discussion platform, there are a lot of dangers, and it is also necessary to owe the life and death. Murong pours her face even if she really died under the hands of Song Liyi.

"Chen Jia, I don't think you will object!" Song Huili looked at Chen Shanghua with a smug smile on his face. "At this time, if you stop, I am afraid that your granddaughter should not be able to go down!" "

From the mouth of Song Kaizhi, he knew Song Liyi's hatred of Murong's face. Therefore, he was not surprised when he heard the news of Song Liyi and Murong's face-to-face test today. Although it is the first provocation of Murong, but if Song Liyi is not fascinated by Murong, he will not agree.

However, this is even better now. If you can take advantage of this opportunity to kill Murong, it is definitely a big blow for Chen Shanghua, the old man. Now everyone knows how much Chen Shanghua loves this newly-recognized granddaughter. If this granddaughter is so degraded, I don't know if he can afford such a blow.

As long as Chen Shanghua falls, it is not far from the decline of Chen's family.

"Song owner, you shouldn't ask me about such a thing!" Chen Shanghua disdainfully smiled. "However, I hope that you, the Song family, wait for you to regret it."

Song Huili, this old man is thinking about something, really thought that he could not see it at all? Isn't it just trying to fight Chen's family by this matter? It's just that they think it's too good. Do they really think that Murong is so good to deal with?

To really say it, even in the face of this granddaughter, even he has no grasp of victory.

"Oh, that's the best."

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