216 : Surprise (Unedited)

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"The Xuanyuan Shaozhu came here this time to congratulate the Chen family!" Murong smiled and said, "However, this is indeed a grand event."

"In this way, Rong Gongzi should come here for the same reason!" Xuanyuan Lang is still staring tightly. "I don't know where Rong Gongzi is? I always feel that Rong Gongzi seems to be familiar."

"Is it?" Murong pours his face and raises a trace of doubts. "I have never left the family for so many years. This is the first time I have come out to practice. So, when I was in the past, I have definitely never seen Xuanyuan. Lord's."

"In the past, I was studying at Qinglong College." Xuanyuan Lang looked at the man standing opposite him and continued to speak. "In our college, there is a man named Murong. She is the close disciple of our college dean." It is also an alchemy teacher. Do you know if Rong Gongzi knows?"

"Murong is fascinating? This name is quite similar to my name." Murong pours a look of frankness. "I am very interested in that Murong. If there is an opportunity, I hope that Xuanyuan will introduce it." Some time."

On the face of Murong's face, Xuanyuan Lang really couldn't see any flaws. He nodded and said a faint voice. "There will always be opportunities."

Having said that, but when the face is talking, it is dripping, and there is no guilty expression on his face, so he can't see the person in front of him. Is it Murong? However, this tolerance in front of me does not seem to be lying. Is it really that he thinks too much?

"Xuanxuan Shaozhu, where is this going?" Murong said with a smile and said, "No one has led the way."

"But just walk around." Xuanyuan Lang said indifferently. "What about Rong Gongzi? Where are you going?"

"I just met Chen's saint, and now I just walked away." Murong raised his face with a smile. "This Chen family's scenery is very good, I naturally don't want to miss it."

"It is better to be together." Xuanyuan Lang issued an invitation.

He never believed that there would be so many coincidences in the world, so he felt that he still had to test it out.

"Of course it is very good." Murong smiled and nodded.

However, despite the smile on his face, but Murong's heart has already begun to curse. This Xuanyuan Lang is not too busy, so I want to do everything possible to find her trouble here! Good end, why do you want to go together!

Even if the heart is not willing, Murong will go with Xuanyuanlang. Along the way, she had to be careful to deal with Xuanyuanlang, that is, she was afraid that Xuanyuan Lang would notice something.

When Murong retired and returned to his room, it was already noon. However, before entering the room, she saw someone waiting outside the room.

"Tolerance to my brother." When I saw Murong's face, Chen Wenyao stepped forward and had a trace of joy on his face. However, there was a deep loss in the joy. "You are finally back."

If you can, Chen Wenyao really wants to directly ask questions, what is the relationship between him and the saint, and they just talked about what happened, why they talked for so long. I left early in the morning, and now it is noon, and for a few hours, what are the two doing.

Although she really wanted to vent her dissatisfaction all at once, she still didn't dare, and she couldn't, because she didn't have any position. For a long time, Rong Ding did not show any interest in her. She has no position and qualifications to question anything.

"Miss Chen, how are you here?" Seeing Chen Wenyao's figure, Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "You come to me, is there anything?"

Seeing standing in front of her, Junyi's extraordinary tolerance, Chen Wenyao's eyes flashed a little obsessed. At the same time, her face was full of firmness. After a while, she bit her teeth and opened her mouth. Brother, I have something to tell you, don't you know if you have time now?"

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