278 : Back to Chenjia (Unedited)

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In order to get rid of Murong, they lost a lot of people, and even many of them are top killers. Some have been repaired and even have reached the Mahayana period. However, in order to kill two people in this area, those killers have fallen, but Murong's face has been unscathed.

Such things have never happened before. Who does not know, the success rate of the Hell Temple is almost 100%. As long as they are on their death list, no one can escape.

This kind of thing has happened now, and it is a great damage to their reputation. If it is known to outsiders, who will believe in the strength of their Hell Temple?

Because of this, the Lord of the Temple of Hell is almost mad.

In this regard, Murong has no idea of ​​it, because she and Huangfu have already returned to Chen.

When she returned to Chen, she heard a lot of news. For example, Chen Wenguang has now left, but before she left, she still encountered a lot of trouble. And these troubles, of course, are the people in the big room who have found her.

As for the people in the second room, there is nothing to say about Chen Wen's departure. Even when Chen Wen left, no one went to bid farewell. Obviously, they have taken the idea of ​​giving up for Chen Wenguang.

In this regard, after Murong's face was heard, he just smiled, just like nothing happened. For Chen Wenguang, since she has already retaliated, she will not continue to be on her mind. In the future, as long as Chen Wenguang does not come to provoke her first, she will not go to Chen Wen light to do anything.

Of course, if Chen Wen is doing something against her, she will never be soft.

After Murong's return to Chen's family, the first thing to do first, naturally, is to see Chen's family, Chen's grandfather, Chen Shanghua.

When I saw my granddaughter, Chen Shanghua was obviously very happy. "Looking at you, you are back."

"Well, my grandfather, you are still okay during this time?" Murong said with a smile and smiled. "In this time, nothing happened in Chen's family?"

"It's very good." Chen Shanghua nodded and smiled and said, "The little things in the family are constant, but nothing has happened. Yes, I received the news from the Dragon family. The old man is very I am grateful to you for saving him."

"It's just a matter of raising your hand." Murong smiled and said, "And, with this relationship with Li, I can't stand by!"

"This time, it's better to have you, or else, the Dragon family really wants to make a big deal." Chen Shanghua sighed. "It's about to start the exchange between the family. If there is an accident at this time, then It will definitely have no small impact."

"Maybe the Song family is playing this idea, so it will start with the Dragon family!" Murong said with a light smile. "The ambition of the Song family seems to be really small!"

"Hey, the Song family has always wanted to be on top of all the family." Chen Shanghua whispered coldly. "And, I have to show my own wide-minded appearance, and I am really a downright hypocrite."

"The people of the Song family are indeed very hypocritical." Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, with a hint of disgust in his tone. "One day, they have to pay for it."

Thinking of Song Liyi's actions, Murong's heart could not help but feel a sense of disgust. Although I don't know whether Song Liyi's behavior is an individual behavior, or Song's acquiescence, but this account, she has already recorded in the Song family. Sooner or later, she is going to get this account back.

"Looking at the face, you seem to be a lot dissatisfied with the Song family!" Hearing the smog in Murong's face, Chen Shanghua was somewhat puzzled. "Are you having a holiday between you and the Song family?"

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