274 : Leaving Longjia (Unedited)

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Long Liu looked up to his wife, and he did not want to believe that his wife would use himself to poison his father.

"Hui Yi, you--" Long Liuqi found that he couldn't say anything at all, and he didn't know what he should say.

"It's really not me." Song Huiyi quickly replied, "I really didn't poison my father. You must believe me."

No, absolutely can't admit it. If it is admitted, then she is really finished.

However, this time I heard Song Huiyi's denial, Long Liuqi did not know whether he could still believe it. Now it seems that all kinds of evidence are pointing to her. He really doesn't know what to do.

"Song Huiyi, you don't have to continue to deny it." Long Kui sharp's eyes fell on Song Huiyi's body. "Do you really think that you and the Song family's little work, no one knows? It's this time, Are you still reluctant to admit it?"

"Father, this is not what I did." Song Huiyi said firmly. "Even if you ask again 10,000 times, I still say this. You can't put these unwarranted charges on my head. This is not for me." fair."

"Is it?" When he heard Song Huiyi's words, Long Kui was not angry. His look became a bit unpredictable. "According to your statement, I will continue to investigate. That's good, just don't know, to Will you find out what accomplices you have?"

If this means something, let Song Huiyi's heart jump, she jerked her head up, her lips groaning, seemingly saying something, but she didn't seem to say anything.

At this time, her mind is almost a mess. She can understand the meaning of the owner. If she does not admit it, then this matter will continue to be investigated. If you continue to investigate, then Li Yu -

Thinking of this, Song Huiyi looked at Long Liyu without any trace.

At this time, Long Liyu was pale and her lips had no blood color. The whole person looked like a crumbling. Her whole person looks like it has been hit hard, and it feels like she will fall down at any time.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone's attention is placed on Song Huiyi's body, and no one has the heart to pay attention to Long Liyu. However, even if it is noticed, everyone will only feel that she was hit because of her own mother-in-law.

Long Kui once again looked at Song Huiyi and said, "Do you think that I will continue to investigate and compare the price? Or do you explain the things you have done now?"

Song Huiyi's face flashed a bit of struggle, and when everyone thought she would continue to argue for herself as before, she finally spoke again. "Yes, this poisoning thing is what I did. "

When this statement came out, it shocked everyone. Although there have been some speculations before, but when the guesses are confirmed, everyone can't help but be surprised.

"It turned out that you did it." Long Liuqi felt very difficult to accept the fact that "How can you make such a thing! This is my father! You actually poisoned him, why are you doing this?" Ah? Tell me?"

Although it was already doubtful at the beginning, he really suffered a lot when he confirmed this fact.

"It's strange, you sit back first." Long Kui said.

Long Liuqi looked up at Long Kui and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he did not say anything. He didn't say anything, so he quietly returned to his seat and sat down. However, from his expression at this time, he can see that he really suffered a lot in this matter.

There was a quiet inside the hall, and everyone was shocked by such news. No one can think of it. The person who secretly poisons the owner of the house will actually be Song Huiyi. You must know that Song Huiyi is a little proud when he is normal, but he is still very smooth in his life.

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