288 : Hypnosis (Unedited)

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Under the comfort of Murong, Chen Wenxin began to calm down slowly. However, there was still no look in her eyes. "Just a few months ago, someone found me. She said to me, I am not Chen. The family is not Chen Wenxin. The real Chen Wenxin has been given away by them shortly after birth. I am just a hidden pile that they put in."

With the words of Chen Wenxin, the faces of Chen's family have become less good, and no one can think of it. The truth of the truth will be like this. The original blood test did not have any problems, but shortly after the test, the real Chen Wenxin was dropped.

However, such a thing is actually not surprising. After the baby was born, it was originally similar, and only after the same length was opened can the difference be seen. If someone has a bag at that time, it is really hard to see it.

"What about Wenxin? The real Wenxin?" Chen Ruizhong said anxiously. "Where did they get the real Wenxin?"

This incident gave Chen Ruizhong and Zhao Yaer a big blow. They did not think that Chen Wenxin, who had been in love for many years, was not really Chen Wenxin, but a hidden pile that Song Jiaan inserted. What about the real Chen Wenxin? Where did she go?

In fact, this is the thing that everyone wants to know at the moment.

Murong raised his hand and stopped Chen Ruizhong. "You should not be excited. If you are too loud, you will wake up Chen Wenxin. When you get there, you can't ask anything."

After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Ruizhong's heart was anxious and he did not dare to speak again.

After everyone was quiet, Murong looked at Chen Wenxin and continued to say, "You are not Chen Wenxin. Where did the real Chen Wenxin go? You know? Did the person tell you?"

After hearing the question of Murong's face, Chen Wenxin's face seemed to flash a trace of fear and struggle. It seems that what she is thinking about at this time is that she feels very resistant. After a long time, she finally spoke again. "Dead, the real Chen Wenxin is dead. They said that they must not leave any troubles."

When this statement came out, everyone in the hall couldn't help but be shocked. No one could think of it. It would be like this. Especially Chen Ruizhong, his face was full of pain at this time. However, he did not lose control, perhaps at the beginning, he probably guessed that it might be the result.

Murong leaned down and ignored the emotions of others. She continued to ask, "When you know your identity, you start to send messages to the Song family, are you?"

"Yes." Chen Wenxin nodded and said quietly. "However, that person just let me pass on the news of Murong's face, and the others did not say anything."

"Then why are you willing to do things for them?" Murong frowned and continued to speak. "What kind of benefits did that person give you?"

"That person promised, as long as I am willing to do things for them, then I will find an opportunity to let me return to the Song family." Chen Wenxin did not have any concealment, and continued to speak, "But if I do not agree, then they will expose me." The identity, then I will no longer be able to stay in the Chen family, and the Song family will never accept me, I can not let this happen, absolutely not."

"How much have you done for them?"

"There is not a lot of things that the person wants me to do. He is just the usual time. Let me pass the message of Murong's face to the past. Other things, she never let me do it."

After hearing Chen Wenxin's words, Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and she continued to open the door. "That time, the person who poisoned it, is that person who told you to do it?"

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