262 : Go to the Longjia (Unedited)

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Although the road encountered a killer, but this did not affect the good mood of Murong. She is still a relaxed face, just like nothing happened.

However, this does not mean that she has forgotten the things that have just happened. "Hey, you said, is our luck really good! Only when I leave the Beast Forest, I have a killer. And, those killers. Actually know that we are in the forest of beasts, it is really a good one!"

Although when she spoke, Murong's face was smiling, but her eyes were flashing with chills.

"Maybe they have known that we are in the forest of beasts, but we have been ambushing and waiting for us." The eyes of Huangfu flashed a sharp light. "It seems that our journey has already been known."

"It seems that we all think the same!" Murong pours a bright smile on his face, but the chill of the bottom of his eyes is deeper. "There are few people who can know that we are coming to the forest of the beasts. At least, Song Liyi is impossible to know unless -"

Someone told her. And this person is the Chen family.

Except for Chen's accident, it's impossible for outsiders to know her journey. Moreover, even Chen, there are few people who know that she is going to the Beast Forest. Therefore, it is conceivable that there are only a few people who have revealed the news to Song Liyi.

"This thing, it is not difficult to investigate," Huangfu said in an indifferent way. "After returning to Chen, you can easily pick out the person."

"Don't worry." Murong smirked and smiled. He opened his mouth without hesitation. "Since Song Liyi wants to get rid of me, then I will give her this opportunity. Isn't the people in Hell's Hall not dead?" I have to look at how big they are, but kill me."

Now that the game has started, no one can stop when she hasn't stopped. Whether it is the Temple of Hell or Song Liyi.

At this time in the Song family, Song Liyi also knew the news of the failure of the Hell Temple. She angered the communication stone in her hand and threw it directly on the ground, yelling, "Waste."

That's right, it's really waste. The people in the Temple of Hell do not claim that as long as they can afford to pay, can anyone kill? Now it is just that they are chasing a small woman, but they have failed. It is really useless. Such an organization also dares to become the killer organization in the cloud, and it is really a joke.

Hey, Murong's luck is really good, but even this time I have escaped. However, her luck will not always be so good. However, it was a small monk. She did not believe it. She escaped for a while and escaped from the world.

In any case, she will send Murong to **** to accompany her Liner.

Thinking of this, Song Liyi's eyes flashed with a cold light. If outsiders see it, it will definitely be shocked.

After Murong and Yan Huang left the Beast Forest, they began to move toward the Dragon House. Along the way, they added a person inside, this is not someone else, it is a rotor.

When she made a decision to go to the Dragon House, she asked Huangfu to call the rotor back. If she really goes to the Dragon House, she is not the most important. The important person is the rotor. You know, since leaving the college, Li has never seen the rotor again.

When I met Chen in the last time, although Li did not say anything, she could see that in Li Xin's heart, she still missed the rotor. Moreover, she feels that since there is Lily in the heart of the rotor, I must also want to see Lily!

Huangfu naturally knows the feelings of Murong's face, so he did not have any extra words, and he directly called the rotor back.

In this way, the rotor followed the two, and soon came to the place where the dragon family is located. It is a city inside the cloud, called the Dragon City. This is the city where the Long family is located. In this city, the Dragon House is probably the dominant position.

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