191 : Debunking (Unedited)

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Murong pours out a bottle of medicinal medicine from the space, directly facing the bottle mouth, and dumps all the medicinal herbs into his mouth. She just took advantage of this opportunity to recover her injuries.

Seeing Murong's move like this, the people below really feel bad! Of course, they are not distressed by Murong, but the bottle of medicinal medicine in the hands of Murong.

A bottle of remedy! How many inside is there? At least a dozen! It's a waste to eat more than a dozen medicinal herbs at once! Moreover, if so many medicinal herbs are eaten, not all of them will work!

For other people's ideas, Murong is not aware of it. However, even if she knows, she will not care. She only wants to recover her injuries as soon as possible. Moreover, since she dared to eat so many remedies, it is natural to be sure that she can absorb it.

After taking the medicinal herbs, Murong felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot. Even the internal organs that had been injured were better under the repair of the earth's heart. Soon, she can stand up.

On the other side, Murong's snow fell heavily, but then she was filled with black air. The black gas lingered directly around Murong's snow. When the black gas dissipated, Murong snowed up again, although his face was still pale, but it looked a lot better.

"Who are you?" Looking at the face of Murong, who is standing opposite him, Murong's face is full of jealousy.

At the time of the attack, she was able to clearly feel the powerful power contained in it. Such power is not something that ordinary people can have. Moreover, in that strong atmosphere, she was able to feel the power that made her feel fear.

That power made her feel a fear from the bottom of her heart, just like facing their great king. In the face of such power and pressure, she has no room for resistance.

"Who am I?" Murong said with a smile. "Don't you know? But no matter who I am, today is your death."

Of course, she said that it is not Murong snow, but the current evil.

"Oh, although you have a breath that makes me fear, but with your strength, it is impossible to kill me." Murong pours coldly and sneezes. "However, I can send you to the West." "

After that, Murong poured snow and did not hesitate to raise his hand directly, and he attacked the past with Murong.

Just when everyone thought that Murong would pick up the sword and resist it, Murong turned his face and suddenly took the sword in his hand, then directly reached out and grabbed the hand of Murong's snow, then one foot. Directly kicked in Murong's body, directly kicking Murong into the snow a few meters away.

Murong refused to observe the snow for a while, and he was kicked off. When she got up from the ground, her eyes were red, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in madness. "Murong pours, I want you to die."

Seeing the madness of Murong's snow, Murong's look on his face did not change, and then directly flew to the front, and attacked the past toward Murong.

You are coming and going, and you are constantly fighting. The fierce battle situation made the atmosphere under the field boil again.

Compared with the barely reluctant, Murong looked a bit more comfortable. Until she seized an opportunity, she directly put Murong's snow-covered hands behind her, and stepped on the body of Murong's snow, controlling all the actions of Murong's snow.

"You let me go." Murong, who was controlled, was constantly struggling with snow, but there was no way to break the temptation of the face. She even began to vent the black gas again, but it still has no effect.

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