242 : Trap (Unedited)

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"You are not allowed to insult me." Chen Xiangxiang was anxious. "I am not such a person! Murong is looking at you, you are deceiving too much."
He felt that there was no way to tolerate that his father was so filthy. If he was still a little hesitant, he would have made up his mind after hearing the words of Murong.
“No more nonsense.” Murong’s face stood there, like a lonely lotus. “You are so frustrated, what is it for?”
"Just to take your life." Chen Xiangjie flashed a trace of frost on his eyes, "Murong pours out, today is your death."
After that, Chen Xiangjie did not hesitate any more, directly condensed the spiritual power of the whole body, and attacked the past with Murong.
After Chen Xiangxiang saw his brother's hands, he immediately went forward to help, and began to attack Murong with all his strength.

In the face of Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang's all-out attack, Murong was able to cope with it but it was easy. However, in the fight, her heart could not help but float a bit of weirdness. The brothers should have resentment against her, but how can they rush to do so?
The sum of these two brothers can not be her opponent. This point, the brothers should be very clear. Now their approach is no different from finding their own way. But just because they did that, it is really suspicious.
The two brothers Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang naturally know that with their cultivation, let alone kill Murong, even if it is to hurt Murong, it is impossible. Their hearts are very clear, if it is not because Murong has no face to kill them, now they are dead.
However, even then, they dare not have any thoughts of retreating. From the moment they shot Murong, they didn't have any retreat. Murong is the granddaughter of the owner and the most important person now. If Murong is alive and leave, then it will be theirs.
Thinking of this, Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang were even more embarrassed, and they even preferred to hurt themselves, but also hurt Murong. However, such an idea is still difficult for them to achieve.
Murong is constantly coping with the brothers, and my heart is constantly thinking about the twists and turns. However, for a time, she still did not have any clues, but she did not know the true purpose of the other party.
Suddenly, Murong looked at her and felt that there was a danger behind her. She immediately waved her hand and directly flew out Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang, who were still entangled, and then fled and hid, and escaped the attack.
However, she had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and she found that she seemed to be trapped by something. She felt like she had entered a trap. Not only that, she found that around her, it seemed to have a strong suction, just like where she was to be sucked.
She glanced at the direction of Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang, but found that there seemed to be no difference on their side. Only the place where she stood was the feeling. At this time, if she still doesn't know that she is in a trap, it is really stupid.

Murong looked up and looked at the person who had just attacked her. This person is not someone else, it is Chen Lili.
Her eyes flashed a glimmer of light, "Chen Liuli, it is you. It seems that Chen Xiangjie, they are doing this, they should have been instructed by you!"
Although it is not visible on the surface, only Murong knows that she is very difficult to speak now. She has almost exhausted her body's mystery and is resisting the suction. She is very clear that if she does not get out of the current predicament as soon as possible, then she will eventually be sucked somewhere. She doesn't think at all that Chen Lili has done so much, which will give her a chance to escape.
"Yes, it's me." Looking at the trapped Murong, Yan Chen's mouth twitched with a smug smile. "Murong pours out, I didn't expect you to have it today! How do you feel that you are now? There is an invisible suction around, it seems to **** you into an unknown place? You should resist very hard now!"
At this time, Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang also stood up. Both of them had bloodstains on their lips. It was obvious that they were also suffering from minor injuries. The attack that just had a face of Murong was indeed enough for them to eat a pot. However, now that Murong is trapped, they feel that the injuries they suffered are worthwhile.
"Chen Liuli, are you not afraid that today's things will be known?" Murong pours his eyes slightly, and when he looks at Chen Liuli, his eyes are shining with sharp light. "Home mainly knows this thing, it is absolutely Will not let you go."
"Oh, Murong pours out, you don't need to take the owner to intimidate me." Chen Xiaoli laughed loudly, and when he looked at Murong, his eyes were even more cheerful. "I tell you, as long as it is trapped by this place." No one in the end can escape. Murong pours in, you are indeed very powerful, want to get rid of you, if you fight alone, there is absolutely no way. Unfortunately, in this secret, you have no I am familiar, so you are doomed to fail."
Chen Liuli is very clear, if it is a single fight, she is definitely not the opponent of Murong. Even with Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang, they are unlikely to win the face of Murong. What's more, she did not forget Murong's face and three very powerful Warcraft.

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