233 : Chen Liuli's choice (Unedited)

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In the glazed courtyard -

Chen Liuli leaned on her bed halfway, her eyes were blind, and the whole person was like losing her soul. At this time, she really wants to go straight to death.

She remembered that she had come to her room with Xuanyuanlang yesterday. But early in the morning, she was lying on the same bed as Xuanyuanzhi. However, the most deadly blow was that after she woke up, she found that everyone saw her and Xuan Zhizhi.

The pain from the body made her clearly aware of what happened to her and Xuanyuanzhi. She didn't know how things would become like this. She only knew that she was really finished. Committed to Xuanyuan Zhi, she did not know if she could have a future.

Now she can only stay in her room quietly, waiting for the disposal of the owner.

Xiaoya stood by the bed and looked at Chen Lan, who was saddened by the death of her, and did not know how to comfort herself. She felt that no matter what she said now, the lady should have been unable to listen.

All along, she knows that the person that Miss likes is Xuanyuan, but now she has such a relationship with Xuanyuan’s cousin. There is absolutely no possibility between Miss and Xuanyuan. Moreover, that Xuanyuan Zhi is not a good thing.

Now the owner and several elders are negotiating, and I don’t know what it will be like in the end. However, what is certain is that after this time, the homeowner and several elders should be more reluctant to miss the lady!

At this time, a small donkey walked in and gently blessed his body and whispered, "Miss Liu Li, the owner said to let you go to the front hall."

After hearing Xiaoyan's words, Chen Lanli couldn't help but cringe. She knew that the owner called her at this time, and she had already decided how to deal with her.

Thinking of this, Chen Liuli's heart can not help but a fear. Although she knew that she had to face such a moment in the end, she would still be scared when she really came. Her heart is clear, this result is certainly not acceptable to her. But now, she has no way.

Chen Xiaoli got up and sorted out his clothes. Then he followed the little cockroach and came to the front hall.

Along the way, she did not dare to look up at anyone. No matter who she is, she always feels that everyone is seeing her jokes. He and Xuanyuanzhi’s affairs, almost everyone in Chen’s family already know.

Even if there was any resistance in the heart, soon, Chen Lanli followed Xiaoyan and came to the front hall. Before she even walked in, she already saw that the owner was sitting on the main seat and looked serious.

Seeing the appearance of Chen Shanghua, Chen Liuli’s heart couldn’t help but squint, and the whole heart was like falling into a hail. In the past, she saw her family and never had such an emotion. Now she knows that today is different, and her status is not as great as before.

Rao is reluctant, Chen Lanli still went in. As soon as he entered the front hall, Chen Liuli squatted directly in front of Chen Shanghua and whispered, "Home."

"Yeah." Chen Shanghua nodded and looked at the Chen Lili who was there, and said, "Get up!"

In the past, he was still very indulgent about Chen Liuli. Because Chen Liuli and his water, there are some similarities in the face. When he looked at Chen Liuli, he couldn't help but think of his own water. However, it seems that Chen Liuli and Shui Er are really not similar in one point. At least the water is kind, but dare to love and hate, it will never make anything contrary to conscience.

Although I heard that I was getting up, Chen Lanli did not stand up, but looked at Chen Shanghua, with a pleading on his face. "Glass does not dare, Liuli knows that he has done something wrong, and asks the owner to punish him."

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