291 : Husband & Wife (Unedited)

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"Why should I repent? What do I have to change?" When Song Kaizhi's voice was blamed, Song Liyi suddenly got up and directly began to scream at Song Kaizhi. "I don't feel that I made a mistake. All I did was to avenge Lin. You, as the father of Lin, looked at his daughter's tragic death, but there was no movement. I can't do it."

Song Lin's death is always a knot in Song Liyi's heart. If she does not find a person to blame, then she is absolutely no way to calm down. And Murong is obviously the one who is complained. At the beginning, Murong and Yan Lin had already formed a dead end. Later, when in the secret world, Song Lin was there to fall, and Murong was also inside.

Therefore, Song Liyi also logically believes that Song Lin's death is caused by Murong's face. Therefore, the only thing she wants to do now is to kill Murong and revenge for her daughter.

Looking at the madness of Song Liyi, Song Kaizhi really has no way to control the anger of his heart. He raised his right hand directly and smashed it toward Song Liyi. "You are sober."

He can't believe it now. The Song Liyi, who is a crazy woman in front of him, is actually his wife who is a front-end Zhuang.

"You hit me, you actually hit me?" Faced with a sudden slap in the face, Song Liyi could not believe it, "Song Kaizhi, you dare to hit me?"

The two have been arguing many times, but Song Kaizhi has never touched her. But now Song Kaizhi has stunned her, she does not want to believe that this is true. But the pain from the cheeks was telling her that everything was true.

"I am playing you." Song Kaizhi did not have any regrets about playing Song Liyi. When he looked at Song Liyi, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes. "You don't look at what you do." Those things, for this dark pile, I lost a lot of the year when I lost it. The result is that you have ruined all my efforts. You said, what have you got now?"

"Song Kaizhi, you don't want to say so well." Song Liyi said angrily. "Liner died so badly. You didn't do anything as a father. Now you have to blame me here. Song Kaizhi, Do you have any conscience?"

"Song Liyi, you should not go crazy here again." Song Kaizhi said with a disgusting voice, "Lin's death was originally an accident, but you have to be entangled here for such an accident, even I still have so many things to come. I used to warn you before, so that you don't want to mess around. But what about you? Not only did you not close your hands, but it has even worsened."

"Yes, I just want to kill Murong." Even at this point, Song Liyi still has no repentance. She looked up and her eyes flashed with madness. "As long as Murong is still alive, In this world, I feel that I will not stop. Song Kaizhi, I am different from you, I will not let my daughter die, I must send Murong to Yan to personally plead guilty."

Looking at the madness of Song Liyi's eyes, Song Kaizhi couldn't help but shudder. After he returned to God, when he looked at Song Liyi, there was no extra feeling in his eyes. "Song Liyi, this is the last time, If you still disrupt my plan in the future, then don't blame me for being rude. You want to avenge Lin, it's your own business, but you don't want to pull me, I am not as crazy as you are."

Now things have become like this, and there is no meaning in continuing to pursue it. However, he has no way to continue to tolerate Song Liyi. If you continue this way, Song Liyi will drag him down. It seems that he is also making some adjustments.

After saying that, Song Kaizhi turned around and left the room without returning. After this incident, the couple also completely tore their faces.

Looking at the back of Song Kaizhi's departure, Song Liyi did not feel anything. After so many things, there has been no so-called marital relationship between her and Song Kaizhi. Therefore, even if she has such a thing, she does not care.

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