266 : Feast (Unedited)

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In the evening, the dragon rogue and the refining purple radish set up a banquet in the water pavilion, officially entertaining Murong and the emperor.

At the beginning of the banquet, Long Liuyu gave a toast to Murong. "Looking at it, I really thank you very much, if it is not because of you, maybe my father will-"

"Uncle Long is not polite." Murong bowed his head and smiled. "Don't talk about the relationship between me and Li Wei. If I say the identity of my doctor, I can't be indifferent when I meet the patient." So you don't have to thank me, it's all right."

After that, Murong turned his face and drank the wine in his hand.

"The ability to have such a good sister is the luck of Li Wei." Refining Zilu smiled and said, "Yes, look, how is your body now? I heard that before I was treated for my father, You have been sleeping for a few days."

"Dragons don't have to worry." Murong smiled and shook his head. "I have almost recovered now."

"That's good." There was a slight apology on the face of the refining purple radish. "If we hurt you because of our reasons, then we are really too disheartened."

"I am fine now." Murong smiled and shook his head. Then he glanced at the person on the table and curiously asked. "Before, I heard that Li has a brother, how? Not here?"

"My brother is now practicing outside!" Long Lijun rushed to explain, "So not in the family."

"Yes." Refining Ziluo also smiled and nodded. "It's been several years since Zhanfei's child has been practicing outside. In order to allow him to feel at ease outside, even his father happened this time, we all Not telling him is afraid of his distraction."

"It turns out that." Murong said with a sigh of relief. "This is also very good. It is best to go out and practice. It is only when you really experience life and death that you can inspire people's greatest potential."

"My brother said the same thing." Long Li vomited and spit out his tongue. "He said that it is too stable in the family. It is too slow to improve, so he will decide to go out and practice. Your thoughts, still It's really like it! However, in fact, I think it's also very good. I'm able to improve my cultivation while looking at the scenery outside."

It can be seen that Long Lizhen is also very yearning for such a life.

"You are a girl, it is better to stay in the family." Refining Ziluo's face does not agree. "Your brother is a boy, you should go out and sway. You are a girl, stay in the family slowly Practice is good."

After hearing the refining of Ziluo, Long Lizhen's face flashed a trace of sorrow, but she did not continue to say anything.

The atmosphere became a bit low for a while, and the dragon rushed to raise the glass and toasted the imperial concubine and the rotor. "The emperor and the rotor, have not yet toasted you! I am here to honor you, I hope you are in the dragon. When you are at home, you can have a good time."

Huangfu did not say anything, just raised the glass, gestured, and then drank it. The same is true for the rotor.

In this regard, Long Liuyu did not say anything. He can see that the imperial concubine and the rotor are not ordinary people. These two people were able to sit on the same table with him, already giving him a big face.

After three rounds of wine tour, Murong suddenly asked about it. "Yes, Dragon Uncle, how did the Dragon Master go wrong that day, can you tell me again?"

Although it was strange to see such a sudden problem as Murong's face, but Longliuyu still remembered it and said, "On that day, only our three brothers and father were together. My father was waiting for us in the study room early. Later, we began to discuss the upcoming exchange meeting, but when we talked about it halfway, my father suddenly grabbed his chest and then fell. There was no sign at all, and we were When discussing the matter, the father had never eaten anything, and even the tea did not drink."

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