336 : Danger is approaching

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After receiving the promise of Nanfeng Ruolan, Shui Lingshan also became a lot of peace, and did not temper in his own yard. Of course, she did not dare to say anything like Huangfu. Because she is also afraid that if she says it, then whether she is a father or a mother, she will directly let her marry a Mingjia Dagong.

After calming down Shui Lingshan, Nanfeng Ruolan also returned to his room. Along the way, she was frowning. Although she has already promised Shui Lingshan, her heart is not at the bottom. This marriage was personally determined by the husband. Wanting to quit is definitely not an easy task.

However, since she has already agreed to Lingshan, she will naturally find a solution. Moreover, her heart is actually very dissatisfied with this marriage. Why is her Lingshan going to marry the waste of the Ming family, and the water spirit is able to marry an excellent North Yingchen style, whether it is family or other aspects!

At this time, a black shadow suddenly flew into the room, and then bowed respectfully in front of the Nanfeng Ruolan, and said, "I have seen the master."

At this time, lying on the ground is a woman in black, this woman is the head of the dark guard that was raised when Nanfeng Ruolan was ordinary.

"I asked you to investigate the affairs of the Ming family, how is it now?" Looking at the blue one lying on the ground, Nanfeng Ruolan said, "What kind of person is he?"

In private, she also raised her own dark guard, which was already there when she was not married. Of course, she will not let her husband know about such a thing. Normally, if something is not convenient to put on the table, she will tell the secret guard to do it.

When the husband decided to marry Lingshan to the Ming family, she had secretly sent someone to investigate the Ming family. The purpose of her doing this is to look at what kind of person this Ming family is, and if it can find the other person's handle, it would be better. If you want to retire, it will be much simpler.

Of course, if it is a last resort, Lingshan really wants to marry the Ming family, she can know who the other person is.

Blue Yi reverently replied, "The subordinates have sent people to inquire about it. Although the talent of this Mingjia Dagong is not outstanding, the character is very good. In private, there is no acolyte. In addition, although the Ming family did not intend to pass the position of the owner to this son, it is also very good for this son."

"In addition, there are only two sons in the Ming family, all of whom are born out of one mother. The feelings of the two sons are very good. There is not much fighting in the Ming family. It is a very calm family."

After hearing the blue one, the brow of Nanfeng Ruolan was a lot loose. It seems that although the husband is very dissatisfied with Lingshan's behavior this time, but still very fond of Lingshan, or else will not choose such a marriage. However, although this Mingjia Dagongzi is a good one, but in the end it is not worthy of her Lingshan.

Just because the Ming family can not inherit the position of the Ming family, she would not want Lingshan to marry such a person.

"You continue to secretly investigate the big man of this Ming family." After a moment of meditation, Nan Feng Ruolan said, "If you find something important, you must report it immediately. The most important thing is to check if he has it. I like people, or what kind of childhood."

"The genus knows." Blue returned.

"Right, the water is now like this?" Nanfeng Ruolan suddenly said, "She is still going on to trace the cause of her short-lived mother-in-law's death?"

"Yes." Blue nodded, opening. "And, she seems to have found some witnesses. The master, if she continues this way, she is worried about what she will find."

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