185 : Murong Xue (Unedited)

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When I heard these words from Murong's snowfall, Nangong's eyes flashed a glimmer of shock. He did not think that he would obey his well-behaved fiancee in the past and would say such things to him at this time.

Although he can see that during this time, Murong has undergone great changes, but he did not expect that the change would be so great. It feels like it has become a stranger.

"Snow, you--" Nangong squinted, can't believe that the person who was fighting against him in front of him was Murong. "Are you excited?"

This is his only conjecture. If it is not because of the great excitement, how can Cher's temper suddenly change like this?

"Is it irritating?" After hearing the words of Nangong, Murong couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Hey brother, your imagination is too rich. Actually, I haven't changed anything. It's just after this time, I understand a lot of things. Although we are unmarried couples, but above this platform, it is an opponent. When facing opponents, shouldn't all of them go all out?"

When I heard Murong's snow, Nangong's face had a trace of unnaturalness, but he quickly recovered as usual. "Since Cher said this, I will not be merciful."

Looking at the Nangong Temple, standing opposite and talking about the words of the grandeur, Murong's eyes could not help but flash a bit of irony. She used to think that Nangong was the most important person in her life, but as time went on, she discovered that everything was just a wishful wish.

Since she is not so important in the heart of Nangong, she does not need to see Nangong as too heavy, isn't it?

Others did not hear the dialogue between Nangong and Murong, but they could still find the strange atmosphere above the ring. After all, everyone is very interested in such a contest.

On the platform, after Aotian announced that the test began, Nangong and Murong were still standing there, watching each other with vigilance, and there was no trade attack.

This quiet test makes the people under the stage feel nervous. No one does it, but the heart is hoisted. If you can, everyone really hopes that the above people will hurry to take care of the feelings of the people they see below!

Finally, Murong snowed, and her right hand condensed mysterious force, directly attacking Nangong, without a trace of hesitation. The intensity of the violent attack is not like aiming at his fiancé, more like his own enemies.

In the face of such a fierce attack as Murong's snowfall, Nangong's pupils shrank slightly, and the eyes flashed a little unbelievable. However, the physical instinct made him flash a little faster. As he ducked, there was a big pit just in the place where he stood. It can be imagined that if he had just missed it, he was afraid that he would not die and was seriously injured.

For a time, Nangong was also red-eyed. At this time, he could not continue to keep his own calm, directly condensing the mysterious power, and attacking the past with the snow toward Murong. Like Murong's pouring snow, he no longer has any mercy, and the attack is both fast and intense.

Such fierce fighting also made the atmosphere on the court more heated. No one can think of it, it's just that the second game is so fierce. Especially the two people standing on the stage are themselves unmarried couples. If you don't know the situation, you will think that the two people who are fighting on the stage are what are the dead and the enemy!

"It seems that the change of Murong's snow is really not small!" Murong looked at the fierce fight on the field and couldn't help but sigh. "If it used to be, I wouldn't even talk about Nangong." To put it bluntly, you can now slap on the South Palace."

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