264 : Poisoning (Unedited)

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As soon as this statement came out, no one doubted that Huangfu was joking. The indifferent eyes, ignoring all the breath, is like everyone in his eyes, without any sense of existence. He is like the high god, who dominates everything, despising everyone.

The dragon swallowed a slobber, and under the eyes of Huangfu, he shrugged his shoulders without courage, and dared not say anything. Of course, he never dared to go to see Murong to look at it. Because he knows that if he continues to look at it, then these eyes are really gone. He has no doubt that this man will really do this.

"Big Brother, this thing, you don't think, should you give us an explanation?" Xu Xiuzhen is also a good person who is bullying and fearing evil. She dare not ask the emperor to seek justice, and she can only get angry with the dragon. "People are brought by you, now they have hurt the flow, you can't stay out of it!"

Seeing such a situation, other people could not help but reveal a disdainful look.

Long Liu Wei looked at Xu Xiuzhen's appearance, frowning, and said, "Two sisters, you still have to take the second brother back!"

This matter is obviously the fault of the dragon. What kind of virtue is this younger brother, he is very clear, usually lazy for cultivation. As long as it is a slightly attractive woman, he will start. It is because of the lascivious color of this younger brother that he has already provoked a lot of farce in the family. Now I still dare to look at Murong's face like a blatant look. Isn't it obvious to look for death?

"Big Brother, how can you do this?" After hearing the rhythm of the dragon, Xu Xiuzhen was even more convinced. She began to shout at the rogue. "If you don't bring these people, how can you hurt?" What is the flow? You really want to stay out of the way. If you don't give me an account today, then I must go to the elders."

"Hey, two, if you want to go to the elders to complain, then go!" Long Lizhen on the side is really unable to hold back, she sarcastically said, "The elders know what the second uncle is. The virtues, I have to look at it, the elders will stand on the second side."

When she saw that her uncle was being beaten, she was not only not a bit unhappy, but she was very excited! The uncle's **** virtue, she has long since disappeared. Now I still dare to put my mind on the face, but it is really shameless!

Moreover, she was invited to come to the Dragon House as a guest, and she is about to see her grandfather soon. But the second uncle actually made such an offensive thing, it is simply deserving! Even if she is dead, she will not have any sadness.

"You--" After hearing Long Li's words, Xu Xiuzhen's face turned white and white. "You are a junior, we are the elders to talk, do you have a mouthful? What is your tutor?"

"Second brother and sister, Li's tutor is the thing of my brother and you, it will not bother you." The refining Ziluo on the side said, "If you have time, let's take care of your second brother! The younger generation, if you say that, it is really a loss of system."

When she saw the couple, she didn't want to take care of it. Every time the second brother came out because of the good color, the two younger brothers never blamed the second brother, but they always helped the second brother. Such a couple's mode of getting along, she really can't compliment.

After hearing the refining of Ziluo, Xu Xiuzhen was even more angry, but she was interrupted if she had not said anything.

"We are still advanced to see the Dragon House!" Murong faintly said.

The light voice broke the atmosphere at this time. The tone is very light, just a simple statement of a thing, no emotional ups and downs. Obviously this thing is related to her, but now it seems that she is exactly like an outsider.

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