196 : Last Prize (Unedited)

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After the three judges took over the bottle handed over by Bai Yu, they opened the lid and suddenly stunned when they smelled the medicine. Subsequently, the three people's faces flashed a hint of surprise at the same time, especially Wan Zushou, when the smell of the medicine, the bottom of the eyes is a flash of joy.

Bai Hao naturally noticed the appearance of the three judges, and her face showed a smug smile. At this time, she is already winning. She is sure that no one can refine the medicinal herbs better than her. In Wupindan, the refining of Biludan is already a very advanced existence. Those who used to be the most advanced medicinal herbs that were refining were just four medicinal herbs.

Behind her, only Murong is left alone, she does not believe that Murong can refine the Wupin Dan medicine. Moreover, even if Murong is really a rare genius, it is absolutely impossible to refine the Wupin Dan.

After a while, one of the judges stood up and said, "The Qinglong College is white, and the refining is the five-paste Bilu Dan. The quality belongs to the top-grade medicinal herbs, a total of two."

As soon as this statement came out, it suddenly became awkward. This is the first person to refine the Wupin Dan medicine today, and this is not an ordinary Wupin Dan medicine. The five-star Bilu Dan, this is simply a good medicine to save lives. No matter who you are, you want to have such an remedy. After all, no one is not afraid of death.

However, what is even more amazing is the white man. Before the previous test, everyone is looking at it. At that time, Bai Yu even took the medicinal herbs in order to win the victory. This kind of unscrupulous person, everyone naturally does not like it. In particular, her performance is completely different from ordinary times, and she can't help but feel that she is a hypocritical person.

However, now when everyone sees the day, they can't help but admire. Looking at the white, the young, should be just the look of the twenties, but now it is already a five-in-one alchemy. That is almost foreseeable, and her future is definitely bright.

Many people have made a good heart. After all, what kind of existence is the alchemy teacher, everyone knows. No one can say when he will be injured. At this time, the status of the alchemist is particularly important. However, it is not an easy task to become an alchemy teacher. This is why the alchemists are fragrant.

Now, seeing such a talented alchemy teacher, how can you not be coveted?

Bai Hao naturally noticed the hot eyes of those people who bet on her. She knew that as long as she showed her talent in alchemy, she would easily find the good feelings that everyone had before her. Doesn't the fact now explain this?

Now everyone seems to have forgotten the same thing as before. When looking at her, do not all of them have the emotions they want to make?

After taking back his own remedy, Bai Hao returned with a smile on his face and returned to his seat. Although the test is not over yet, she already feels that she is the winner.

"The last one, Murong's Murong's face."

When he heard his name, Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth with a smile and his face was calm. She took her own medicine, Shi Shiran went to the three judges, and then put her refining medicinal herbs in front of several judges.

Just as every move of the day, she naturally looks in the eyes. Now, Bai Hao seems to think that he is already winning. Unfortunately, things are not that easy. This time, Bai Hao is only afraid to be disappointed.

Although the three judges had not opened the bottle cap, but when they saw that Murong was not humble, the three people had a good impression on the woman in front of me.

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