177 : Returning to the Murong Family (Unedited)

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When she heard Murong's face, Liu Mei was suddenly scared, but she still insisted on calmness. "I have any guilty conscience. It's also a guilty conscience. If it's not because of you, how can the Murong family fall to the point of today? The owner knows that you are back, he will definitely not let you go."

Seeing the look of Liu Mei's bluff, Murong smiled and said, "Is it? Unfortunately, I am not afraid of Murong's old man now."

"Murong pours out, you actually dare to say this to the owner." After hearing Murong's words, Liu Mei was shocked. "I will tell the owner."

"If you want to say it, let's talk about it!" Murong shrugged and shrugged. He said without hesitation. "Even if he really knows, he can't help me. Also, I have nothing to do with the Murong family. If Murong Xiong really offends my head, I will not be merciful."

Seeing that Murong was so arrogant, Liu Mei was so angry that he could not speak. However, thinking that her daughter has entered Suzaku College, her heart will be settled.

Of course, at this moment, Liu Mei didn't know that Murong had entered Qinglong College because the admission notice of Murong had already given Murong snow, so she felt that Murong had no way to enter the four colleges. As soon as she thought of this, her mood was much better.

"Hey, Murong pours out, you don't want to be proud." Liu Mei raised his chest and said, "You are just the abandonment of the Murong family. You still have a face back. Is it not possible to mix outside? I want to come back. I tell you, the Murong family has no place for you."

"You are relieved, Murong family, I have never been in my heart." Murong squinted at the bottom of his eyes, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. "However, Liu Yu Niang, you are so confident in representing the Murong family. Do you have such qualifications? You are just a diverticulum, and even the genealogy can't go up."

These words are like a sword, and they poke the heart of the eyebrows. The identity thing has always been the most mindful of Liu Mei. Even now that Chen Ruoshui is dead, she has also improved her status in the Murong family because of her daughter's interest. Even so, she cares about her identity because she can never help.

"Mu Rong is looking at you, you are a kind of cockroach." Liu Mei couldn't hold back his inner anger. "Hey, even if I am a dim room, it's better than you. I tell you, Murong. Both Xi Zhao and Chen Ruoshui are hurt by you, you --"

If Liu Mei's words have not been finished, they will stop. Because she was slap in the face.

Holding his face, Liu Mei looked incredulously at the person who beat her. "You dare to beat me."

At this time, Murong had no smile on his face. When he looked at Liu Mei, there was no trace of temperature in his eyes. "You are not qualified to bring up my parents. If you hear another sentence from my mouth about my parents, Then I will kill you. I tell you, even if I kill you today, the Murong family can't do anything with me."

For the Murong family, she has long been not afraid. Murong Xiong is just a strong person in the Golden Age. She is now in the Yuan Ying period. Even if everyone in the Murong family is together, it will not be her opponent. She will not pursue the things that happened in the past, but if the Murong family does not know each other and wants to find death, she will also be fulfilled.

Seeing Murong's icy expression, Liu Mei couldn't even say anything at the moment. She felt that she was cold all the time, and even the blood seemed to be frozen. At this time, she really wanted to faint.

Seeing the look of Liu Mei's fear, Murong looked funny and was not bold at the time. It's just like this now, it's really ridiculous.

Looking at Murong's face and approaching, the heart of Liu Mei was hanged to the eyes of the blind man. She was really afraid that Murong would face her today.

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