280 : Reap (Unedited)

978 42 0

"This is indeed a good time." Huangfu nodded. "Since you have made your decision, listen to you!"

However, if there is no way to solve this problem in the end, then he will naturally continue to shoot. He will not allow these threats to exist in the face of Murong.

"Reassure, I will not continue to exist in the Hall of Hell." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and evoked a sinister smile. "However, in addition to the Temple of Hell, there are still some people who can't let go. Song Liyi One of them is that the Song family is no exception."

Regardless of whether this is the case, whether the Song family is involved or whether it is only the behavior of Song Liyi alone, she will not let the Song family. She and the Song family's hatred, but not shallow!

Moreover, after the matter of the Dragon family, she felt that the Song family should not let her go. Even if you don't come to her trouble, you should remember to hate her! Besides, she is now a Chen family. The Chen family and the Song family were originally opposites, so she did not need to be polite to the Song family.

"There are any plans for the Song family?" Huangfu asked, "Is it going to be shot?"

"I am not in a hurry now." Murong said with a smile, "The exchanges between the major families will begin soon. It is not too late to clean up the Song family. I will let the Song family in front of all the families." The face is sweeping."

The Song family should pay great attention to their family glory! Then she will let the Song family lose this glory in front of everyone.

"It seems that you already have your own plans, then I will not intervene." Huangfu nodded gently. "However, if you have anything I need to help, just open your mouth!"

Since Yan Er has already had plans, he does not need to shoot. Unless Yan's needs, otherwise he will be watching the show.

"If you really need your shot, I will not be polite." Murong smirked on his face, but suddenly he thought of something, his face flashed a sneer, "But before dealing with the Song family I think, you still need to pick out the Chen family's locusts first."

"There is a traitor in Chen's family!" Huangfu is a positive tone. He has already heard the meaning of Murong's remarks, and he also understands what Murong wants to say.

"Yes, when we left, it was the secret of the insider." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked a satirical smile. "Today's things, some people must say it, or else, we won't leave our forefoot." At home, the people in Hell's Temple followed up. In addition to Chen's people, there should not be a few people who know when we left."

"What do you plan to do now?" Huangfu asked, "Is it necessary to get out of this person right away?"

"People naturally want to come out, but this thing should also let the grandfather know." Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of cold. "This person is a very dangerous thing since it helped the Song family." As the grandfather of the Chen family, the grandfather still has to deal with this matter personally."

"Then let's go back now!" Huangfu could see that the current Murong Yanyan has no interest in continuing to play, so he said, "Things are still resolved as soon as possible."

"Also." Murong thought about it later, and nodded. "Hey, I was going to play with you today. I didn't expect it to be like this. It was really disappointing."

"If you want to come out and play, we can come back at any time." Huangfu's way and did not feel any disappointment, "And, as long as I am with you, even if I just wait quietly, I feel very comfortable."

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