269 : Guess (Unedited)

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I had already planned a good trip, because Long Kui's sudden invitation was interrupted. In this regard, Huangfu was very dissatisfied. However, because Murong prayed for the invitation, he could only suppress this dissatisfaction.

Soon, the two came to Long Kui's room.

Although Long Kui's body has not fully recovered, it seems to be much better than before. At least he can now get out of bed and entertain them.

"This is -" looked at the emperor who had been walking in with Murong, and the eyes of Long Kui flashed a shock.

Because, with his strength, he actually couldn't see through the other's cultivation. There are only two possibilities. First, the other party is simply a waste that cannot be cultivated. Second, the other party's cultivation is far above him, which is beyond his reach. This way, a man who exudes a sultry body doesn't look like a waste, so the first possibility is impossible. Then there is only a second possibility left.

When he thinks about the second possibility, he can't calm down in his heart. He is now in the middle of the Mahayana period. If the man's cultivation is higher than him, what kind of cultivation is it!

"This is Huangfu, my friend." Murong said with a smile and said, "This time he came with me."

Before, Long Kui just woke up, the spirit has not fully recovered, and then there have been so many things, so at that time did not notice the existence of Huangfu, to be true, this should be their first This time I officially met.

"It turns out." Long Kui looked at Huangpu, nodded, then looked at Murong and said, "Your friend, it is not simple!"

Although Murong said that he is a friend, but he still has no old eyes, it is natural to see the interaction between the two, definitely not a simple friend can be summarized.

However, seeing such a situation, he really is a little envious of the old man of Chen. Not only did he find such a talented granddaughter, but he also brought such a powerful and deep granddaughter. Why didn't he have such a good life? Instead, they have to face one after another.

After a few chills, Murong and Yan Huang also sat down.

Murong looked at Long Kui sitting in the main position and smiled and said, "Dragon Grandpa, you called me today, I don't know if there is anything?"

Long Kui was just detoxification, and he still slept for such a long time. Even if he had such a deep cultivation, he couldn't help it! At this time, what he should do most is to have a good rest. However, at this time, she was called over, and there must be something.

"Oh, look, you are really smart!" Long Kui couldn't help but sigh. "Exactly, I'm calling you today, I have a very important thing, I want to ask you. of."

After hearing Long Kui's words, there was no change in the look of Murong's face. It seems that she had already expected the same. "Long Grandpa wants to know what, just ask directly. I must know everything, say nothing. Do it."

"That's good." Long Kui nodded, and then the breath of his body changed dramatically. The whole person seemed to be extraordinarily majestic, even with a burst of pressure. "Looking at it, I learned from the rogue, The poison in my body was triggered at the time of the study, isn't it? Is it possible that I was already toxic by something in the past, and then happened to happen in the study? "

When he first heard such a thing, his first feeling was that he could not believe it. Because at that time, in the study, only he and his three sons. How can he not be willing to believe that his son will harm himself like this.

"Impossible." Murong said with a certain affirmation. "Before, I have already asked Uncle Long. Before they went to the study, you have been in the study for a while. The poison of the refining soul." As long as it is triggered, it will happen soon. So it is impossible that you will be triggered before you enter the study."

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