304 : The meeting begins (Unedited)

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Huangfu did not pay attention to the eyes of other people. He jumped directly to the ring and returned to Murong's face and sat down.

However, others are not so calm. Although it is not difficult to stand out in the first test, but no one has solved the nine opponents in such a short period of time. This is not enough time to shoot.

Although the first test ended very quickly, none of the people present was able to feel calm.

Then the second test started very quickly. Soon, ten people stepped on the downfall and the second melee began. However, everyone did not have any thoughts to read. After all, there was a shock in the first test, and the next test, everyone is not looking forward to it.

Huangfu was sitting next to Murong's face, his attention was not placed on the platform, but the hand holding Murong's face was playing, and he still kissed him from time to time.

In this regard, Murong has no opinion on her face. Although she is looking at the test on the ring, she is a lack of interest. Obviously, such a trial has no way to attract her attention.

Time passed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye, the fifth game began. This time, the test was the turn of Murong. She stood up and flew directly to the downfall. The other nine people have also been on the stage, and the fifth person has arrived.

Murong stood on the top, with a smile on his lips, a cloud-like appearance, and it seemed that he did not seem to come to the contest. It looked more like an outing.

See Murong Yan look of dumping, nine other contestants and I am really wants to beat her meal. They are now focused on everyone, for fear that there will be a mistake, and they will be defeated. However, there are people who are so limited, just like they are not worried about this test. Can this make them feel balanced?

"Get started!" Murong looked at the other nine people and whispered.

After the other nine contestants glanced at each other, they had a tacit understanding and started to attack Murong.

Before the discussion between Murong and Yan Liyi, they also went to see. The strength of Murong's face is definitely above them. If they really want to advance, the first thing to solve is that Murong is stunned. If they are alone, they are not the opponents of Murong's face, but if they join forces to attack, there may be a glimmer of hope.

For the other nine people's ideas, Murong can also guess a few points, and she does not feel that the other side's practices are mean. Standing on this downfall, that represents the glory of the family. To win, it is human nature.

Nine people have come up with their own housekeeping skills, and they have attacked the past toward Murong.

Of course, Murong has no strength like Huangfu, and he can wave his sleeves and solve everyone. However, the strength of these nine people is not high, so she is also very relaxed when dealing with it.

Although the fighting on the ring was not good, but it was still fierce, so many people put their attention on the ring. Among them, some people want to take the opportunity to observe the strength of Murong. In this way, if you encounter it, you can have a preparation.

However, even if these few people add up, it is not the opponent of Murong. There is no suspense in the outcome of this test. After a while, nine people have already flown down the platform.

"Chen Jia Murong wins and wins."

With the announcement of Luo Chengyi, this contest has also come to a close.

Murong leaned back into his seat and smiled at the emperor. "Hey, how do you feel about me?"

Seeing the smile on Murong's face, the expression of Huangfu's entire face was softened. He reached out and pulled the hand of Murong's face. "Yan, you are the best."

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