260 : Encounter with North Shadow Crystal (Unedited)

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Murong’s face was not thought of, and she would meet an acquaintance here. This acquaintance is not someone else. It was the town that had been in conflict with her in the small town outside the forest of the beasts and her escort.
It’s not someone who snatched the stone in the hands of Murong’s face, that is, the North Shadow.
At this time, Beiying Jingjing took the stone that was grabbed from the hand of Murong's face, with a happy smile on his face. Although the hunting shadow behind her did not say anything, the eyes that fell on the stone were also assured.
"Give the stone back to me." Murong looked at the North Shadow Crystal. "That's mine."
Not to mention that the stone was originally obtained by them, but this stone can influence the mind, and it cannot be allowed to continue to exist in this world. This magic must disappear into this world.

"Who said it is yours." Beiying Jingjing clasped the stone in his hand and looked at Murong. He smiled maliciously. "Now and things are in my hands, it is mine."
When Murong admired the North Shadow Crystal, Beiying Jingjing naturally recognized Murong. She never forgot to admire Murong. In the past, in the town, Murong pour out the colorful gar of her fancy. This is the first time she has been subjected to such humiliation.
Not to mention this stone is the purpose of her coming here this time. Even if it wasn't, the stone was in the hand of Murong's face, and she would have to grab it to report the enemies of the previous one.
"That thing, you can't get it." Murong's face was not showing any jokes. "This stone, you must return it to me."
"Impossible." Unlike the seriousness of Murong's face, the shadow of the North Shadow Crystal at this time is full of smiles. "I know, you also want to have the power of this stone. I will never give it." your."
"Miss, let's put the stone away first!" The hunting shadow on the side reminded, "The master said, this time, there must be no mistakes."
When I was in the family, the owner heard that there was a strange black stone in the Beast Forest, which made the surrounding World of Warcraft very arrogant, but at the same time the power was enhanced. Therefore, the master will send him and the lady to come and take this black stone.
When they first arrived, they discovered that Blackstone had been taken by a woman. Fortunately, they immediately robbed this black stone. Blackstone has already arrived, and there must be no mistakes.
Although he was not satisfied with Yingying’s fingering, he also turned the stone backhand and took back his own space. After all, this time, it is true that there can be no mistakes.
Seeing the action of Beiying Jingjing, Murong was a little anxious. She looked at Huangfu and frowned. "Hey, that stone-"
Huangfu did not say anything, but just grabbed his hand and grasped it. The space of the North Shadow Crystal was a ring, and the ring flew directly to the hand of Huangfu.

"My ring!" Seeing this scene, Beiying Jingjing was a little anxious, she shouted, but when she saw her ring in who's hand, she couldn't help but stay.
When she was in the town, she and Murong had a conflict. Although she knew that there was a man around Murong, the man did not open his mouth from beginning to end, and her attention was all placed on Murong. She leaned on her body, so she did not notice the man. At the beginning, I was bent on anger with Murong, and naturally I did not notice the man standing next to Murong.
However, now when she saw this man, Rao was stunned by her various demeanor, and she could not help but stay. She has never seen such a man.
A mysterious body, the five senses are flawless but with masculine temperament, slender body, and a scent of the emperor. Such a man is destined to smash the world.
"Miss, your space ring." After watching the shadow of Beiying, the shadow of the eye can not help but flash a trace of disdain, but he still reminded diligently, "The black stone is still in your ring. ”
When is it, this lady has time to spend her time here. The black stone has already fallen in the hands of the other party. If it is not returned, it means that their mission failed this time.
Now the lady doesn't want to get the ring back, and it's really stupid to think about it.
Of course, these words, hunting is just thinking about it in my heart, and did not say anything.
"I know, you don't need to be reminded." Beiying Jingjing took a look at the hunting shadow, with a hint of anger in his tone. "What to do, my heart is clear, you don't have to gesticulate here."
She is the master. Hunting is just a slave. She dares to slap on her things here. What kind of rights does he have! Don't think that on this road, his careless thoughts don't know, but they don't want to puncture them, so that everyone's faces don't look good.
Soon, Beiying Jingjing turned his head and looked at Huangfu. "This son, please return my things to me. I think you shouldn't be the kind of people who can take advantage of it!"
Huangfu even did not even look at the North Shadow Crystal, and directly reached out and erased the spiritual mark on the ring. As the spiritual mark was erased, the contents of the space ring also fell into the eye. He did not look at other things, but directly took out the black stone from the ring, and then handed the ring back to the North Shadow.

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