247 : Accounting (Unedited)

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At this time, Chen Liuli was in an anxious state. She seemed to be restless and seemed to have something in her heart.
The news of Murong’s returning to the face has already spread in the Chen family. Now the entire Chen family is discussing this matter. It is said that when Murong came back, the whole person looked very embarrassed and should have suffered a lot in the secret. And some people have noticed that Murong’s body is full of blood.
After hearing such news, Chen Liuli was in a panic. She did not think that Murong could actually leave alive. None of the people who fell into that trap before was able to come back alive. It is also for this reason that she will lead Murong to the place. However, I did not expect that Murong was so lucky and did not fall.

Now that Murong is coming back, she will definitely come to her for settlement. The owner and the three elders valued Murong’s face like this, and would not let Murong suffer. At that time, she can almost foresee her end.
Xiaoya on the side looked at the appearance of Chen Liuli's anxiety, and the heart was full of doubts. You must know that after coming out of the secret, the lady’s mood has been very good. A few days ago, I also specifically asked the owner to ask for security. Although I did not see the owner, I was not angry with it.
However, today, the lady is uncharacteristically, and the whole person seems to be in anxiety.
"Miss, are you not feeling uncomfortable?" Xiaoya finally couldn't help but ask, "Need a slave to ask the pharmacist?"
"No need." Chen Yuli waved his hand, then thought about it later, and asked, "Yes, what happened to the Habitat? I heard that Murong has returned today, she is not in the habitat now. Brothel?"
“No!” Xiaoya shook her head and said, “The slave said, Miss Zhang is now in the front hall. The owner and the three elders are waiting for her there, and I don’t know if something happened. However, it can be seen that Miss Zhang does not seem to be very good in the secret. I heard that when she came back, she was covered in blood!"
When I heard Chen Lanli asking about Murong’s face, Xiaoya was not surprised at all. It seems that the former lady and the table lady have been inconsistent. The young lady also regards the watch lady as an enemy. Now that Miss Zhang is back, it’s normal for the lady to inquire.
When I heard that Murong was in the front hall, Chen Liuli was like a shocked look. Her whole person's face became extraordinarily pale, and, like it was crumbling, it was like the next moment it would faint.
"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoya was shocked to see Chen Liuli's appearance.
"I'm fine." Chen Yuli took a deep breath and waved.
She must not panic now, as long as she panic, she is really finished. Now what she has to do is to find a way to clarify her relationship. She must not admit defeat in this way. Although Murong’s face is harmful to her, Murong’s facelessness has no evidence to prove her. At that time, the owner asked, she just had to deny it.

Yes, as long as she does not admit it, there is no way for anyone to take her. Moreover, she believes that Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang's brothers will not be stupid enough to admit this. If they really recognize it, then they will not be able to go where they are going, maybe they will even be tired of their families.
Thinking of this, Chen Liuli stood up immediately. What she is going to do now is not to sit here and be scared, but to go to the front hall. If Murong really wants to tell things, she has a way to defend herself.
Xiaoya did not understand the behavior of Chen Liuli. However, seeing Chen Lili seems to be going out, she immediately followed.
Just as the master and the servant walked to the door, a small hurriedly rushed in and almost ran into Chen Lili.
"Is your eyes stunned?" Chen Liuli's mood was not good at the moment. Now the collision of this little cockroach has made her a fire in her stomach nowhere, and she suddenly puts her feet out and kicks directly. The little one kicked, and the little sister kicked down.
"Miss Pearl is forgiving." The little sister who was kicked in the stomach did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. She was there and quickly said, "The slave is not intentional. Miss Miss is coming, she wants to see you. ”
"What?" After hearing Xiaoyan's words, Chen Liuli was shocked. She opened her eyes and looked at the little sister who was lying on the ground. "Who do you want to see me?"
"It’s Miss Miss." The little sister didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately replied, "She’s outside now."
When she heard that Murong was coming, Chen Lili suddenly lost her way. She hurriedly said, "Go, you will tell her now, saying that I am not feeling well, let her come again later."
She had already thought about how to defend herself, but she did not expect that her family had not called her, and Murong looked directly at the door.
If the owner wants her to go over, she can still find a way to excuse herself. But now Murong is coming in person, but she doesn't know what to do. This happened, she did not believe that Murong would let herself go. Therefore, the only way now is to hide from Murong and think about it in the future.

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