355 : Leave temporarily (Unedited)

737 34 4

Seeing the indifference of Beiying Hongguang is better than treating a stranger. The water is biting. "Home, do you really want to treat me like this? It has been so many years, why are you-"

"Okay." Beiying Hongguang used a force to pat the table and looked up at the water. The coldness in his eyes made people feel chilling. "You broke into my study like this, just to say these nonsense?" A secluded water, don't think that you are the mother of the North Shadow family, you can look like this. I can let you sit in the seat of the mother, and can pull you down."

After hearing the words of Beiying Hongguang, the blood color of the faint water suddenly faded, and the whole person looked extraordinarily pale and weak. "Homeowners, although you have been indifferent to me over the years, you have never said such a heavy word with me. Is it because of the appearance of Murong, so let you have such a change?"

When it comes to Murong's face, the eyes of the faint water flashed a hint of endless hatred. For many years, although she and her family are not between the piano and the sound, but it is also safe and sound. However, after the appearance of Murong's face, this change has occurred. How can this make her heart feel hateful?

Once the fascinating water, now Murong is fascinating, why is this mother and daughter so sinful, but should appear in her life? Is it better to have everyone else?

"The things between me and you, don't involve other people's bodies." When Beiying Hongguang looked at the water, the eyes flashed a bit of disgust. "As for why I treat you like this, your heart is better than anyone else." Clear, isn't it? The reason why you have such a treatment today is that you are self-sufficient."

"Homeowner, you should know that I didn't mean anything in the past." There was tears in the eyes of the faint water. "I am just...just..."

For a time, she did not know how to explain it.

Seeing the appearance of a secluded water, the face of Beiying Hongguang is all ironic. "Why, can you stop talking? The things of the year are basically arranged by you. If it is not for you to be vain, things will be It won't be what it is today."

"Homeowner, do you have to be so indifferent to me?" The faint water spoke unwillingly. "Even the things of the year were my fault, but now I am your wife! And, for so many years. Since then, I have always been yours, do the role of the North Shadow family as the master mother, and take care of this North Shadow family. Can these not change your love for me?"

In the face of the unwillingness and grievances of the secluded water, there was no change in the face of Beiying Hongguang, and it still looked very indifferent. Even if it was said, it would be like ice scum. "Even if it is not you, It’s someone else. I believe that if someone else sits on this position, they can do it like you, even better than you.”

As soon as he saw a secluded water, he couldn't help but think of deception and concealment many years ago. If it is not because of the secluded water, things will not become like this. Now, he may also live with his beloved.

The words of Beiying Hongguang are like a hammer. They drilled one hole after another in the heart of the water, making her heart **** and bruised. Her eyes are looking at the north shadow. "It turns out that you have always thought this way in your heart. You have never been treating me as your wife."

"Duoyou, I thought these things, you know it well." Beiying Hongguang looked at the water with a cold eyes and continued to open the door. "So, there are some things that you should not be excessively pleading." ”

Even though I already knew it in my heart, I heard these words from the mouth of Beiying Hongguang, and the heart of the water still couldn’t stop the sorrow. She did not think that she had quietly paid for so many years, in the eyes of this man, it was so worthless.

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