218 : Prohibited land (Unedited)

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"No need." After hearing Chen Haozhang's words, Huangfu directly refused to say, "I just want to pour a room."

He doesn't want to be separated from Murong. Even if he is on the site of others, he is not willing to separate from Murong. Moreover, he feels that the two live together very well.

"This--" After hearing the words of Huangfu, Chen Haozhang's face appeared a little hesitant and embarrassed.

He did not think that the imperial concubine would make such a request, and he really did not understand that people in such a family should not be very proud? How would I be willing to have two people in one room?

"Nothing, just do it!" Because of the fear of what the imperial concubine would say, Murong said with a sigh of relief. "The feelings of our brothers have been very good. This time, my brother is old, but it is because I don't let go of my heart." We are better in a room, and we can talk tonight in the evening."

I heard that Murong's face has already said this. Chen Haozhang is naturally embarrassed to say it again, so he nodded and agreed with this approach.

"That's good, Master Chen, let's leave first." Murong raised his hand and bowed his hand toward Chen Haozhang. He smiled and said, "When, Master Chen arranged us to meet other people in Chen's family." Please let me know in advance when you arrive."

"That is natural." Chen Haozhang said with a smile, "I must go back and report to the owner."

"Then we will leave."

After Murong retired and Huangfu left the room, Luo Ya and others also came out from the interior.

"Master, this is the way to treat us Yaoyao, you have to continue to leave him?" Luo Ya's tone with a trace of dissatisfaction, "I was alone before, even now his brother All come, what is going on here? It's better to let them leave directly!"

"You are a woman, don't know if you don't understand." Chen Haozhang waved and his face was impatient. "That brother and his brother can be the people who came from that place and offended them. What good is it for us? Since this time, we have added to the courtesy, isn't it just to make a good relationship? I will never give up what I did before at this time."

"That Yaoyao--" Luo Ya looked at Chen Wenyao, who was sad, and his face was full of distress.

"Since Rong Rong can't see Yaoyao, what can I do?" Chen Haozhang sighed with a sigh. "Now Yaoyao has already explained things, and Rong refuses to explicitly reject it. Then there is nothing else." The way, however, as long as we can enter the home, then the identity of Yaoyao will rise in the future. At that time, it is much easier to find a good family for Yaoyao."

"But, hey, I really like to lean on my brother." Chen Wenyao cried as he cried, "Can you give me another idea?"

"Yao Yao, now things have become like this, I really have no other way." Looking at Chen Wenyao's appearance, Chen Haozhang is also very distressed, but he still calmly said, "In the future, you must Will find better."

Seeing Chen Haozhang's appearance, Chen Wenyao knows that there is no room for change. At least, it is impossible to help her.

"Hey, then you are going to tell the person's identity now," Chen Xiangjie suddenly said. "Now everything is just our guess, if it is time--"

The status of tolerance is only guessed out from the words and deeds of their calm days. From the beginning to the end, they have no way to prove that Rong is from that mysterious place. What if their guess is wrong?

"Don't worry, even if the tolerance is not from that place, it is definitely not a simple existence." Chen Haozhang is not nervous at all. He waved his hand and said, "Today's tolerance is what you look at." You think that such a person, if not for a long time, how can there be such an imposing manner? So, you don't have to worry about these things."

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