334 : Complaint (Unedited)

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On the second night, Shui Haotian specially held a reception banquet, in order to wash the dust in the north shadow. Not to mention that this North Shadow Chen Feng itself is the fiancé of the water spirit, and the identity of the North Shadow Master is only enough.

Murong Yanyan and Huangfu also attended this, after all, they are also one of the protagonists in name!

Although this time it was a feast of the wind, but there is not much water Haotian, in addition to Murong's face, Huangfu and Beiying Chenfeng, there are not many people attending the water house, only the water Haotian, the south wind Ruolan, Shui Lingshan, the water of the soul, and the waters of the vast waters that have never been seen before.

However, what makes Murong feel a little surprised is that in this time, there was no elders of the water family to attend. You know, in a big family, there will be more or less elders. The position of the elders in the family is not low, it can be said that it is only second to the owner. At such an occasion, the elders of the family did not attend, and it was impossible to say anything.

Of course, she will not ask about these things. After all, this is a family matter, and she is not suitable for an outsider to say anything.

In fact, it is a banquet, but everyone is using dinner together.

Shui Haotian first raised the glass and smiled and said, "Yin, there is also the emperor, Murong girl, welcome you all to come to our water house to be a guest. This time, I hope the three can take this place as their home. The same, don't be polite."

"Uncle is polite." Bei Ying Chen Feng smiled and said, "It is my honor to be able to receive such a hospitality as my uncle."

"Water Master, these days are really very grateful for your hospitality." Murong also raised his toast and smiled and said, "I also respect you here."

Soon, everyone else on the table also toasted.

After a round of toasting, Mi Haotian looked at Huangfu and Murong and said, "Huangfu Gongzi, Murong girl, don't know how you have been in the water house these days? If there is any place to greet you Please also forgive me."

If you have not seen the strength of Huangfu and Murong, then he will not be so enthusiastic about these two people. Although I don't know the origins of these two people, but the temperament of the whole body, which has been inscrutable, is to show that the two men are of extraordinary origin. Such people, after making a deal, are also good for their water home.

"The water home is very polite, we have a very good life here," Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked at it. Then he looked at the direction of Shui Lingshan and said it in a meaningful way. "Just, The people of the water house seem to be too enthusiastic, and it really makes me a bit too much!"

I noticed that Murong’s eyes were intentionally or unintentionally looking at me, and Shui Lingshan’s heart stunned. I don't know why, she always feels that Murong's remarks seem to be directed at her. She always felt that she would never want to hear this next.

Nan Feng Ruolan also noticed the meaning of Murong's remarks, and her heart could not help but panic. Lingshan’s behavior during this time, she has already tried to stop her, that is, she does not want to make trouble to her husband. Because she is very clear, if things really get to the point, the husband is absolutely impossible to stand on the side of Lingshan. Maybe because of this, I hate Lingshan.

"Murong girl, you are the guest of our water family, we naturally want to entertain." Nanfeng Ruolan raised a big smile on his face. "If you have any unpleasant things, I am here to apologize to you. You can rest assured that we will definitely pay attention in the future."

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