314 : Suppressing the Song Family (Unedited)

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After the trial of alchemy was finished, Chen Shanghua returned to the inn and praised Chen Xianbin.

Before because of Chen Wenwen, Chen Shanghua was also a lot of cold for Chen Xianbin. However, it is now found that this grandson was originally a makeable material, and his heart is more happy than anyone else.

Chen Xianbin is in a good mood, not only because he won the alchemy test, but also because his grandfather praised him.

However, some people's mood is exactly the opposite of Chen Xianbin, that is Chen Xianyi. This time, the alchemy contest, Chen Xianyi naturally participated. He also entered the final test of this time. Originally, he thought that with his own strength, he should be able to win the game, but what he did not think was that he finally lost.

If you lose to others, maybe his mood will be better. However, he was lost to Chen Xianbin. As a result, he could not accept it.

Especially when he saw his grandfather admiring Chen Xianbin, his heart was even more uncomfortable. However, no matter how radical the heart is, on the surface, he is still a happy look.

After the other people left, Murong did not leave, but instead entered the room with Chen Shanghua.

"Outer grandfather, it seems that you seem very happy!" Murong said with a smile, "I saw Chen Xianbin win the test, you should be very happy!"

"That is of course." Chen Shanghua laughed. "We haven't had such achievements in the exchange for a long time, especially now that the Song family is still fleeing, I feel even more happy."

"Outer grandfather, Chen Xianbin's performance is indeed good." Murong poked and nodded, and said, "However, you should also know that this time Chen Xianbin can win, a large part of the reason is because the Song family fled If there is a Song family in the trial of this alchemy, what is the final result, I am afraid that it is also an unknown number."

After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Shanghua gave her a sigh of relief. "I said you are a girl, can't you make me happy for a while? It is necessary to destroy my good mood at this time."

"I will remind you not to forget the shape," Murong said, vomiting his tongue and licking his eyes mischievously. "Grandfather, you shouldn't be angry because of such a small thing?"

After Chen Shanghua shook his head, he continued to speak. "Yes, do you have anything to say to me? Otherwise, you can't go back to the house with me."

"There is really one thing." Murong pours away the original smile on his face, and the whole person looks serious. "Grandfather, what do you think of Chen Xianbin?"

Chen Shanghua didn't know how Murong's face suddenly raised such a problem, but then a flash of light flashed in his mind, his eyes widened and his eyes filled with horror. "Do you want to—"

"Yes." Chen Shanghua's words are still finished, and Murong has nodded. "I did move the idea of ​​letting Chen Xianbin become the heir of Chen. I had wanted to look at it before the start of the trial. The performance of Chen's disciples."

To be honest, at the beginning, she did not put her eyes on Chen Xianbin, because Chen Xianbin is indeed not outstanding. However, after seeing the alchemy test, her thoughts changed.

It is enough to see that Chen Xianbin is a very powerful person in the final match. Moreover, today she found that Chen Xianbin seems to have settled a lot compared to the previous one. And after so many things, he didn't seem to be stunned, but worked harder.

After hearing the admitting of Murong's face, Chen Shanghua still couldn't suppress his inner surprise. "I really didn't think that the person you chose would be Xianbin."

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