279 : Kill (Unedited)

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After getting rid of Chen Wenrui, Murong and Yan Huang left the Chen family and began to play in the city.

The city where Chen's family is still very lively. The four families each occupy their own towns and also manage their own cities.

Probably because Chen is an alchemy family! In the cliff city where Chen's family is located, there are many medicinal materials shops, even on the roadside, and many people are arranging those rare grasses for sale.

Murong and Yan Huang hold hands, just like a pair of ordinary little couples, walking in the city, it looks very leisurely. However, the friendship between the two people's eyebrows made the people watching them feel envious.

Such a pair of outstanding appearance, temperamental people walking on the street, even if nothing is done, it can still attract the attention of everyone.

However, Huangfu and Murong have been used to such a look, so the two did not feel any uncomfortable. The two stopped and stopped, and they were very happy along the way.

Outsiders are watching a couple of young couples are playing. However, if you hear their conversation, you will find that things are far from simple.

"Hey, have you found out that behind us, have you followed a few tails?" Murong leaned over and looked at a small accessory on the stall, and opened his face with a smile. "It seems to be from us." After leaving Chen, these tails have been following us."

"Well, I know." There was no change in the look of Huangfu's face, and the voice was still filled with coldness. "It's a group of things that don't last long, Yan, how are you going to punish them?"

"Since it is a guy who doesn't have long eyes, there is no need to continue to live in this world." Murong had a bright smile on his face, but when he said it, he had no mercy. "If I didn't guess wrong." This should still be the person in the Temple of Hell, they are really persevering!"

She is very admired for this kind of persevering person. However, if these persevering people are people who always want her life, then it is another matter. Obviously, those who follow them now are not doing anything wrong.

"Since Yan Er doesn't like them, let them go to hell!" Huangfu's tone was deserted, as if they were just discussing the weather today. "Do you want to do it now?"

"No." Murong tilted his head gently. "This is the city, it is easy to hurt the innocent here. Let's go to the suburbs! There is no one there."

"Okay, listen to you."

Huangfu and Murong leaned forward and the two continued to move forward. The two still stopped and stopped, and there seemed to be no difference. However, as time went by, the two still left the city and came to the suburbs.

After coming to a place where Liao had no smoke, Murong leaned down and Huangfu stood still, then turned back. "Well, you have been following for a short time, are you still planning to come out? Or, you have to follow along. Are we going back to Chen? You know, if you go back to Chen, you have no chance to start."

Soon, more than a dozen black figures flew out from all sides of the brush, the same dress, so that Murong can look at the person who is in front of him.

"Don't ask, you are all in the Hall of Hell." Looking at the black figure in front of him, Murong smiled and said, "It seems that the people in your **** are really a lot! After killing so much, there are still people coming from all over. In fact, sometimes I feel strange, is your lord hatred with you? Otherwise, why do you know that it is a dead end, or let you come and continue What?"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the black people did not look very good, and some people even began to hesitate. They were in the eyes of those who had come to encircle the face and the mysterious man. Every time, only one person can live back.

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