249 : Introduction (Unedited)

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"Miss Zhang, I don't teach, my father has." Even if he saw the resolute attitude of Murong's attitude, Chen Haozhang was not willing to give up. "It is because of me that they will do such a thing. Also, I promised Chen Liuli to help you. I also forced Jay and Xianger brothers to do this, and I am the culprit."
"Master, don't say it anymore." Luo Ya took Chen Haozhang's hand and whispered, "I beg you, don't say it again."
Now, she doesn't want to save her two sons, so she will take her husband back. Her heart is now in chaos, and she doesn't know what to do. If at the beginning, they didn’t meet Murong’s face, how good it would be!
Chen Haozhang did not pay attention to Luo Ya, but still looked at Murong, and his eyes were filled with pleading.
"You don't have to ask me any more." Murong said with a cold voice. "I am not a Virgin, and I can't complain about those stupid things. If they have done something like this, they should pay a price for it."

"Miss Table--" Even if the attitude of seeing Murong's face is firm, Chen Haozhang is still unwilling.
"Well, I have already said, I am not likely to be merciful." Murong's eyes are like quenching ice, looking directly at Chen Haozhang, "I don't care about you, it is already done right. If you still Continue to entangle here, don't blame me for being ruthless."
Murong squinted at the cold eyes, so that all of Chen Haozhang’s words were inside the throat, and I couldn’t say it. He was lying there, his eyes were confused, his heart filled with sorrow.
Luo Ya and Chen Wenyao also probably saw that Murong could not easily change his mind, so they did not say anything. He raised Chen Haozhang and left the habitat.
In the eyes, the backs of these three people are particularly desolate and sad.
After Chen Haozhang and others left, Murong did not say anything about it. He held a teacup in his hand, but he did not drink. The whole person seemed to be caught in any thoughts.
"Yan, your heart is in chaos." Huangfu reached out and took the cup from Murong's face and placed it on the table. Then he put on the hand of Murong's face and whispered, "You still have them." The impact."
All the minds of Huangfu are placed on the face of Murong's face. For Mu Rong's every move, he is naturally clear. Looking at Murong’s move at this time, he already has a lot of thoughts.
"You see it." For Huangpu's understanding of himself, Murong was not surprised. She sighed and said, "I don't want to forgive those things that Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang did." However, Chen Haozhang just took all his responsibilities to himself for his two sons, which surprised me."
All along, she feels that Chen Haozhang is a secret person who wants to achieve his goal and use his means. The facts also prove that her feelings are correct. In the past, Chen Haozhang was in good interests, so she made a good deal with her. Later, fear was implicated, and she was too busy to draw a line with her. After her identity is announced, I want to be close. All this shows that Chen Haozhang is a small person who is uncompromising.

However, she couldn't help but be surprised to see Chen Haozhang's approach to his two sons. Such a selfish person can still lose his life for his own children.
Chen Haozhang’s heart clearly knows that if the matter of murdering her is really to be settled, then the grandfather will not leave his life. However, even so, Chen Haozhang took all the responsibilities without hesitation.
"Is the heart soft?" Huangfu looked at Murong and faintly said, "Are you touched?"
"Yeah." Murong nodded and nodded. Then she got up and went straight to the emperor's side. She sat down on the thigh of the emperor, then reached out and wrapped around the neck of the emperor, leaning her head on the emperor. On the chest, "Hey, even people like Chen Haozhang are willing to pay for their own lives for their own children. You said, if I am also, will he do better than Chen Haozhang?" ”
Indeed, after seeing Chen Haozhang’s various behaviors today, she received a deep touch. This reminded her of her former father, the father who forced her to die. At the same time, she remembered Murong Xizhao, the embarrassment of her world. If it is Murong Xizhao, is it better than Chen Haozhang?
After hearing the words of Murong, the emperor stunned. He reached out and gently stroked the hair of Murong's face. He said quietly, "Do not worry! You will be fine, I believe he is waiting." I am going to find him."
"Yeah." Murong whispered and whispered, "Hey, you said, should I let Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang go?"
For those things that Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang have done, she is not willing to let it go. Like Chen Liuli, she does not allow the factors that threaten herself to exist. However, Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang were not behind the scenes, so she handed the matter over to her grandfather.
After the grandfather knew the things she had experienced, she was so angry that she would not easily let go of the brothers Chen Xiangjie and Chen Xiangxiang. However, now that she saw the performance of Chen Haozhang, she had some other ideas in her heart.

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