237 : Occasional Encounter

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When she saw the movement coming from the hole, she even held her breath, and she was afraid of being discovered. However, she did not think that the person who came out of the cave would actually be Murong.

When I saw Murong's face, Chen Lanli couldn't help but think of what Chen Wenwen had said to her. She remembered that Chen Wenwen had told her before, Murong had a white Warcraft. It seems now that the powerful white beast was originally the contract beast of Murong.

However, the information that Chen Wenwen gave her was not complete. Murong is not a Warcraft, but three. Moreover, each one looks very powerful.

Thinking of this, Chen Liuli's hand couldn't help but clench his fist. The sharp nails had already fallen into the tender meat, bringing out a little bit of blood, but she didn't seem to feel any pain. She did not think that Murong had actually hidden so many cards. In this case, she is even more unable to let Murong live and leave the secret.

Murong sneaked away the glory and status that should have belonged to her, and also caused her to marry Xuan Zhizhi's waste. Now the secret environment is the best opportunity for Murong to retreat forever. Every time in the secret world, there will be many people falling, even if Murong is really dead, no one will associate her with her. Therefore, she must grasp this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Chen Liuli’s eyes flashed a glimmer of hope.

Subsequently, Chen Liuli turned and left here. She really wants to get rid of Murong's face, but she doesn't want to do business. She wants Murong to die, but she will not lose herself. Now she has no way to start, so she can only leave.

In addition to removing Murong's face, she still has to refine her own cultivation in this mystery. This is definitely not forgotten by her.

On the other side, Murong pours out, completely unaware that Chen Liuli has been secretly sneaking in the dark. I knew that Chen Liuli had left, she did not find out.

Shantou’s movements are very fast, probably because I really want to eat barbecue! However, it was a moment of time, and a rhinoceros came back. The rhinoceros is cumbersome and powerful. However, this kind of Warcraft is born and awkward, and there is no talent in cultivation. It is often used as a prey because the meat of this Warcraft is firm and tastes good.

Seeing the smaller body of Shantou is dragging a look of a spiritual rhinoceros that is dozens of times larger than it, Murong can't help but laugh.

"Master, master, I have already hit the prey." Even if the **** is dragging a spiritual rhinoceros, the movement is very rapid. It ran to the side of Murong's face, and his face was full of excitement.

"I know, I will give you the barbecue right now." Murong shook his head with a funny smile, then reached out and touched the head of the girl.

Soon, Murong pours out the sky from the space. Yan Tianjian has already contracted with her, and she has almost become part of her, so naturally she can change her size according to her mind. After she turned the sword into a dagger, she began to deal with the rhinoceros. Peeling, cramping, cutting meat, all the movements are like flowing water, it does not seem to be dealing with the rhinoceros, but more like playing with a piece of art.

Soon, Murong pours out the spirit rhinoceros, and then starts to make fire, set up a shelf, and barbecue.

If it is known that Murong is obsessed with such a weapon of the gods to cut the meat, and use the fire of the gods to barbecue, it will definitely scream the violent things. However, for these, Murong does not care much about her face, she only cares about whether she can make the best use of it.

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