200 : White Invitation (Unedited)

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In the face of Huangfu's naive mind, Murong smiled and said nothing, but my heart still had some sweetness.

After returning to the college, Murong was naturally the first time to go to Yuan.

In the moment when I saw Murong's appearance, Yuan's departure was really a little overreacting. However, when he realized that the person in front of him was his little apprentice, he was really shocked. After hearing the reason for Murong's remarks, he was also very happy for his apprentice.

After talking to Yuan Yuan for a while, Murong's face came to Long Li's residence. In the past few days, she has accompanied Huangfu, and she has not visited Longli. Even if she knew that Long Li was not a serious problem, she still felt a bit of a dim.

Long Lizhen is really bored during this time. Because of the injury, she has been lying in bed and she can't go anywhere. In the past few days, I have never had time to visit her because of the college competition. It's not easy now that the college competition is over, but she still hasn't seen her face.

However, even after she was recovering from injuries, she still heard a lot about going to the face. She knows that she has already avenged her for her, and she has abused Murong in the college competition. Her most regrettable thing is that she can't see such a scene with her own eyes. She feels that if she sees it, maybe the injury can be better.

As for the arrival of Murong in the game, she can still guess. Now Huangfu is just beside her, and she must be with her. In this regard, she naturally would not have any opinions. Of course, under the powerful pressure of Huangfu, she did not dare to have any opinions.

In fact, she did not know who Huangpu was, but she was able to feel the powerful atmosphere that was uploaded from the emperor. Such a man, she does not know how to conquer.

Just when Long Li was bored and almost had to grow grass, the door of her room was suddenly opened.

"Who?" After hearing the sound of the door being opened, Long Li turned and shouted subconsciously. "Do you know -"

All the sounds disappeared into the throat when they saw the figure entering the door.

Long Lizhen did not see the beauty, but when she saw the woman who came in from the outside, she couldn't help but stay.

The woman was dressed in blue, her face was swept away, and no powder was applied on her face, but she still couldn't hide her color. The eyes of the stars couldn't help but indulge in it, the tall nose and the small mouth of the cherry. However, the most attractive thing is not the face of the country, but the light breath that the woman exudes, just as everything in the world is not important in her eyes, the temperament is better than the lack of food. The fairy of human fireworks must be more attractive.

"Lily, are you stupid?" Seeing Long Li's stunned appearance, Murong said with a smirk, "You shouldn't be stimulated, so you are stupid now!"

When I heard the meaning of teasing in the woman's words, Long Li was angry at once and shouted back subconsciously. "You are stupid, your family is stupid."

However, after she finished speaking, she came back to God, reaching out and pointing at the woman in front of her eyes, with a disbelief in her eyes. "You are a face?"

From the words she just had, and the familiar tone, she has recognized the people in front of her. However, it is because she recognizes the person in front of her, she will feel so incredible. However, it is only a few days, and the appearance of the face has changed. How can such a situation make her not shocked?

"It seems that there is no stupidity." Looking at Long Li's unbelievable appearance, Murong smirked and said, "This is fine, I still hurt your brain!"

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