245 : Ferry (Unedited)

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people in the arms, the eyes of the emperor are all tender. "It seems that this time your harvest is not small!"
"Yeah." Murong nodded and nodded. The eyes were full of excitement. "This time in the secret, I did get a lot of things."
The two have not said a few words, and the sudden change has occurred. The sky didn't know when a lot of dark clouds suddenly gathered, and the whole world looked like it was immediately in the dark.
Huangfu glanced at the sky that seemed to be almost black, and then looked at Murong. "It’s just your robbery."
"Yes." Murong was not surprised. "I have already prepared myself. At the moment I left the secret, the robbery will come. It seems that my expectation is still quite accurate."
In the secret world, it is an independent world, so there is no such thing as a catastrophe. Now leaving the secret, her cultivation is unbearable. Moreover, only after the catastrophe, she can really enter the fit period.

Knowing that Murong was ready, Huangfu was relieved. He gently printed a kiss on the face of Murong's face, whispering and whispering, "I am waiting for you."
Murong squinted at the mouth and smirked a smile, then withdrew from the embrace of Huangfu, and soon jumped to a few miles away. She stood there, there was no fear in her innocent face, and she looked calm and calm, not like the one who was going to experience the robbery.
There are more and more dark clouds in the sky, and they are getting more and more heavy. Such a scene can not help but remind people of a poem, black cloud pressure city to destroy. Such a verse is used here to describe it, and it is not exaggerated at all.
The whole world seems to be in the darkness. In the dark clouds, there are two lightnings from time to time. In such a situation, people who look at it will feel scared.
Standing next to Murong, she is fearless and fearless. She expected that her own catastrophe was not so simple in the morning. In the secret, she first absorbed the aura of Ling Jinglian and reached the repair period of the fit period. Later, after receiving the inheritance given by Chen Tiankun, her cultivation was even more at the peak of the fit period. In other words, she is now about to reach the Mahayana period.
Such a cultivation, the catastrophe that she is going to experience, is naturally not what the general fit period is going to experience.
Murong was standing there, without a trace of fear, watching the sky flashing lightning, and the looting of the catastrophe, her face is still calm and calm.
Not long after, the first thunder was directly hit. The Thunder has almost the size of the baby's arm and looks terrible. Moreover, on the day of the thunder, it seems that there is still a trace of purple. There was no hesitation in the Thunder, and he went straight to Murong.
In the face of the raging thunder, Murong can't help but retreat without a trace of it. She raised her fist directly, then concentrated all of her mysterious power on the fist, and then slammed it up against the thunder. Such violent means directly broke the first thunder.

If outsiders see it here, they will be very shocked. Because so far, I have never heard of anyone who dares to use his own fist to fight against the sky. You must know that the power of the thunder is not to be underestimated. No matter how high your cultivation is, in front of the robbery, it is extraordinarily small.
If you have a catastrophe, then you will be promoted. Nothing can be turned into a dust. The average person will be fully prepared before the day of the robbery. Absolutely no one, just use his fist to the sky.
Standing in the distance, the imperial concubine can clearly see the situation on the side of Murong. After seeing such a direct move as Murong’s face, his eyes could not help but flash a bit of love. His woman is not ordinary. Who can do as well as she does?
However, after seeing such a rude move as Murong’s face, he was more reassured. Because Murong is so daring to directly go to the sky, it shows that she has already been in the chest for this time. He just has to wait on the side now.
When there was a change in the secret world, Chen Shanghua and the three elders had already noticed it.
In particular, Chen Shanghua, when he noticed the change, immediately stood up and flashed a hint of excitement. Because he felt that this time it should be that Murong was coming back.
Since all the people have been forced to transmit it, but when he did not see Murong's face, his heart has been unable to settle down. As long as he can't see Murong in the day, he is always full of worry.
After so many days, he finally felt the change in the secret world. In the first time he felt, he immediately stood up and walked in the direction of the secret.
On the road, he met three elders. The three elders also felt the change from the secret side, so they planned to find out.
A group of four people immediately set off in the same place.
They are so hurried in appearance that many people in Chen’s family have seen it. Everyone’s heart is very confused. What happened to the family and the three elders? You must know that in normal times, the owner and the three elders are very calm people, and they will never panic when they are in trouble. But now it looks very anxious.

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