256 : Leave Chenjia (Unedited)

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Chen Wen quickly stepped up and returned to his yard. However, even if she has already entered her room, her heart is still jumping.
In her current mind, all of them are the last smile of Murong. In that smile, she can only feel the endless danger.
Although she has been lucky enough to escape today, she has offended Murong. With Murong’s status in Chen’s family and wanting to avenge her, it’s a breeze. What should she do next? She must think of a solution as soon as possible.
However, fortunately, now the home punishes her forbidden. If she put it before, she will definitely feel very unhappy. But now, such punishment is perhaps a happy event for her. At least during this time, she does not need to leave her yard.
Even if Murong’s face is to be settled, there is no way. Taking advantage of these three months, she must plan well, what should be done next.

The big room on the other side is still not calm.
After knowing what happened today, Chen Xianbin blamed Chen Wenwen again. At the same time, I feel very unhappy about my parents' practice this time. However, as a son, he did not say much, but advised him.
Chen Wenwen cried into a tearful person, and did not want to leave the Chen family, and there was no way to leave Chen.
However, it was useless to cry too much. The order to expel her was personally given by the owner. No one could defy. Finally, I had to place Chen Wenwen on a Zhuangzi outside of them.
Before Chen Wenwen left, she asked Chen Wen to sway her things and tell them all.
After knowing everything, Chen Ruixing and Lin Nilan also remembered Chen Wen’s intentional and unintentional efforts to help them, and they were even more convinced of Chen Wenwen’s statement.
Because of this incident, they also hate Chen Wen light.
The most relaxed person is no more than Murong.
She returned to her yard in a leisurely manner, and she did not see any dissatisfaction on her face. Just like the things that just happened, it didn't have any effect in her heart. Of course, the fact is true.
I haven't walked into my room yet, and Murong feels a familiar atmosphere. She gave a bright smile on her face and then walked in quickly.
After watching the familiar figure, she hurried forward and threw herself into the arms of the other person. "Hey, when did you come back?"
"It’s been a while." Huangfu reached out and hugged Mu Rong’s waist and said, “I know that you are dealing with things, so I didn’t bother you. Have things been solved?”
"It has been solved." Murong smiled and said with a smile. "Those little things don't even cost me too much energy. However, this time Chen Wenguang is really busy, not only that. I also offended everyone in the big house."
"Have you let her go so easily?" Huangfu looked at Murong and looked at him with a hint of tenderness. "You are not so generous!"
"What are you talking about?" Murong looked at the emperor with a sigh of relief. "What do you mean, I am very discouraged?"

"You are not stingy, just have a hatred to report." Huangfu smiled and said, "Chen Wen light this time to calculate you, you should not be able to easily bypass her, this is not your character."
"Okay! You are right." Murong nodded and nodded. "I did not intend to let her go. Tonight, I am going to go to her." Although the gentleman revenge, it is not too late. But I am a small woman, or I believe that it is necessary to avenge revenge."
Huangfu picked up his eyebrows and said nothing. But the expression on his face is a pair of things I already knew would be like this.
Murong also didn't feel any embarrassed when she thought about it. When she thought about it, she suddenly said, "Hey, this time the devil's things are difficult to solve? Have you been away for a few days, have you solved it?"
Before, she thought that Huangfu had only left for a day or two. Unexpectedly, she actually left so many days in a row.
"There is a little thing." Huangfu frowned and said, "Do you still remember Murong's snowfall?"
“Murong is pouring snow?” Suddenly heard the name, Murong’s face was really awkward. “Of course, remembering that the original Murong’s snow and the evil have signed a contract, it will almost become a container for that thing. ”
Her memory is still very deep in this matter. That kind of evil and dead air, even if she wants to forget, it is not so easy. Moreover, when Murong poured snow, he still hurt Li Wei! Although Murong was defeated by her, and she was scrapped and repaired, she was driven out of Suzaku College. However, she still remembers this thing.
"The thing that signed the contract with Murong Snow was the one that slipped away from the Devil." Huangfu continued to open the door. "At the beginning, the great elders of the Devils rebelled and accidentally caused a crack between the Devil and this continent. The lower creatures are sneaking into the continent in that crack."
"Before, didn't you say that the cracks have been fixed?" Murong looked at the emperor and curiously asked, "And, the magic that escaped from the devil's continent is not already Was it cleared by the Devil?"

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