309 : Admit Defeat (Unedited)

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"Black, just dodge." Long Liyi shouted as soon as he discovered Song's actions.

But even then, her movements were slowed down, and the powdery things were scattered directly on the black face. The black man suddenly fell off and then began to struggle in the low mountains.

Long Lizhen has already contracted with the black scorpion, so she can clearly feel the pain of the black scorpion at this time. She looked up and looked at Song Yuer, biting her teeth, with a hint of jealousy.

She didn't know what the powders of Song Xiaoer's black squid were, but the powder was obviously restrained by the black cockroaches. She could feel that because of the powder, the black cockroaches now almost lost their fighting ability.

This kind of change makes the whole battle more exciting. Everyone's guess about the outcome is even more different. Originally thought that Song Yuer would win, but Long Lijun summoned the black scorpion. However, for a moment, the black cockroach seems to have lost its fighting ability.

Now, like this, Blackbird has no way to continue fighting with her. Long Lizhen took the black scorpion back into the World of Warcraft space, and then faced Song Songer again, she became more vigilant and cautious.

"Your attack is over!" At this time, Song Yuer had no previous calm, and she was very arrogant at this time. "That's my turn."

After that, the momentum of Song Yuer's body immediately changed earth-shakingly. It was still soft and soft, and suddenly became sharp and sharp. The pressure of the late part of the distraction period pervaded the entire platform.

Standing on the opposite side, Long Li was suddenly suppressed by this pressure. This is two levels higher than her, and the pressure on her is still quite large. She did not think that the charming woman who seemed to be about the same age as her was actually in the late stage of distraction.

Not only Long Li, but those who are watching the test are also shocked. Originally, they thought that Long Lizhen's cultivation was considered a leader among his peers, but he did not expect that Song Song's children would be better. Is the current strong distraction really like Chinese cabbage? How could it be so much?

Some are older, but those who are repaired but do not have their heights can't help but feel annoyed.

At the same time as the excavation was carried out, there was something like a silk thread on the platform, which suddenly filled the entire platform.

Seeing such a familiar scene, everyone immediately guessed that this is the Song family's unique study - inexhaustible. Before, Song Liyi used to deal with Murong. However, it was finally cracked by Murong.

For a time, everyone's attention was concentrated on the platform. Everyone wanted to see if Long Lizhen could also crack this trick like Murong.

Seeing the filaments that come from so many mysterious powers around him, Long Lizhen is alert to the whole person. This Song family's school, she has seen it. It's easy to crack, but she knows that she doesn't have the ability to pour her face.

Under such circumstances, Long Lizhen can only use a mysterious force to wrap a layer of armor on himself to protect himself. She knew very well that as long as she was invaded by these filaments, she was really lost in this game.

After protecting himself with Xuan Li, Long Lizhen did not hesitate any more, took a dagger directly from his own space, and attacked the past in the direction of Song Yuer.

The silky thing continually eroded her mystery when it touched the armor that was wrapped in mystery. She knows that if she continues this way, her mysterious power will be exhausted sooner or later. Therefore, what she is going to do now is a quick fix. If she can't beat Song Yuer in the shortest time, then the loser will be her.

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