364 : Direct Inquiry (Unedited)

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Xiaoru quickly retired, but her pace was a bit rushed, as if something was chasing her behind her.

"Is still going to keep her?" Huangfu raised an eyebrow. "I thought you would take this opportunity to get rid of her."

"Why should I get rid of her?" Murong shrugged and shrugged. He said with a funny voice. "Actually, I can probably guess her identity now. I just didn't expect it, but in a short period of time, I can Let a person reborn. It seems that the water is really some skill!"

"She has always been a hidden danger." Huangfu continued to say, "How do you plan to keep such a ghostly person?"

"Oh, it's not her, it's someone else." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smiled. "So instead of letting those who don't know who it is, it's better to leave her. So she wants to ask." I can also disclose it to her. It is just that, how much true and false this is, it is up to me to decide."

Looking at Murong’s face has already been decided, and Huangfu has not said anything more.

At this time, there was a wave of space in the room, and a familiar figure appeared in front of the two. When the coming of the people appeared, there was no hesitation, and they fell down directly in front of Huangfu and Murong. They bowed respectfully, "Respect, Miss."

"Rotor, you are back, get up first!" Seeing the coming, Murong was obviously very happy, she quickly asked, "I asked you, how is the mother now? That Fu Sul, she has already Have you taken it?"

After hearing the words of Murong, the rotor looked at the emperor. When he found that Huangfu did not have any objections, he slowly stood up and replied. "The lady does not have to worry too much. I personally watched Mrs. Murong to serve the Sultan. However, Mrs. Murong has not yet woken up. However, the Chen family has already seen it, saying that Mrs. Murong has been injured for many years, so it will take some time to recover."

"That's good." After hearing the answer from the rotor, Murong finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Is there a protection for the mother? Is it true that the mother has already taken over the Sultan, but I am still worried. What will happen."

At least now, the water is known to have a way to rescue her mother, so if there is any black hand, then no one knows.

"The lady is relieved. The subordinates have already transferred two from the Devil's side and secretly protected the lady." The rotor continued to whisper back. "When the wife is restored, the two will bring the lady to the ancient city." Here is the meeting with the lady."

"That's really great." Murong's face swelled with a big smile. Then she turned her head and looked at the emperor sitting on the side, excitedly opening her mouth. "Hey, mother is very It’s almost time to recover. It seems that I have to work harder here. Before the mother came here, I first found out the whereabouts of my father. Otherwise, I am really afraid that my mother knows that my father’s whereabouts are unknown. It’s hard to accept for a while. It’s not good to have anything to do at that time.”

"Do not worry!" Huangfu reached out and took the hand of Murong's face, and said, "I will find it."

"Yeah." Murong leaned firmly and nodded, then looked back at the rotor again. "What happened to Chen now? Is Chen Xianbin still qualified for the seat of the present heir?

"Chen Xianbin is still doing a good job, although there are still many people in Chen's family who refuse to accept him, but he has already proved it with his own strength." The rotor turned back. "Now his heir's seat is getting more and more stable." ""

"That's good." Murong nodded and nodded. "It seems that Chen Xianbin is also a material that can be made. I did not misread him at the beginning. Now it seems that I am not satisfied with Chen Tiankun's entrustment."

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