231 : Chen Liuli's Calculations (Unedited)

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"Wen Wen, today, you should not want to provoke the family and several elders to be unhappy!" Seeing Chen Wen light has been reluctant to let go, Chen Liuli's face has become a bit ugly, "And, Don't forget, although today is to practice for the Long family and Xuanyuan family, but the Secretary is also watching."

If it was before, Chen Wenguang, where is this slut, is there such a courage to be so crazy in front of her? Oh, but Chen Wen thinks that this will hit her, it is really too naive. Now she is indeed in a bad position, but Chen Wenguang is also scrupulous.

After hearing Chen Liuli's words, Chen Wen snorted a little, and his face immediately raised a trace of anger. "Chen Liuli, are you threatening me?"

"Where can I dare?" Chen Xiaoli smiled softly. "I just said the facts. Of course, if you want to continue to entangle, I have nothing to do with it. Big deal, I will be invited to you!"

Although the mouth said so, but Chen Liuli's heart is also playing drums. Today, this practice feast, she must not miss it. If I missed this opportunity, and later she wants to get close to Xuanyuanlang, it is really difficult.

However, she is certain that Chen Wenguang is also reluctant to leave in such an occasion. If you leave at this time, then Chen Wenguang will drop a handle in front of other shackles.

"You--" Chen Wen's pale face sank, and when he looked at Chen Liuli, he also hated his teeth.

In the past, Chen Liuli took advantage of the favor of her family and several elders. In front of her, she was high above me. However, now Chen Lanli has lost the favor of his family and several elders because of the canonization of the ceremony. Without the backing, Chen Liuli is nothing in her eyes.

Therefore, she is very angry about the threat of Chen Liuli. However, she has to be scrupulous about it. On such an occasion, she must not be driven away. Otherwise, in the future, what other faces she has in the family to walk! Moreover, the people of the family are also, she will not be able to make any mistakes at this time if she wants to marry into the family.

However, if she is allowed to let go now, then it is not to make Chen Lili satisfied. Later, she is in front of other people, what is the majesty there!

Chen Wen light is not willing to let go, Chen Liuli has no way to continue to walk in. The two stood there like this, and the atmosphere seemed a bit glued at one time.

A lot of people naturally saw such a scene, but no one got up and muddy. Some people want to watch a movie, while others are reluctant to intervene in these things.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded and broke the stalemate.

"Sorry, can you let it go? You are on the road."

Everyone looked at the sound, a beautiful woman in blue and a beautiful man standing outside, ready to step into the feast.

The woman is blue, her eyes are like water, but she talks with the cold. It seems to be able to see through everything. The fingers are fibrillated, the skin is like gelatin, and the white is pink. It seems to be able to screw out the water, a pair of lips, laughter, waist The limbs are slender, the limbs are slender, and there is a fairy-like temperament. Emei swallowed, no powder on the surface, but still can not cover the color of the face, the beauty of the flow, look indifferent, if you do not eat the fairy of the fireworks, the mouth corners a smile, like a fireworks like nothing but gorgeous.

The man is a mysterious clothes, black and vertical hair, bright and white face, revealing the angular cold Jun; black and deep eyes, with a charming color; the thick eyebrows, high nose, absolutely The beauty of the lips, both of them are noble and elegant. That face is a little more delicate than a woman, but the noble and cold breath that comes out of the body, but it will never let him know his gender.

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