188 : Long Lizhen was injured (Unedited)

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Seeing Murong's face with a pale face, Huangfu's eyes flashed a bit of distress. All along, he knows that on the road of Murong's growing face, he will definitely be hurt. However, when he really saw that Murong was hurt, his heart could not stop hurting.

"Oh, I am fine."

Murong pours in the face and does not know the distress of the eyes of the emperor! She is very clear that when she was injured, Huangfu's heart was actually more painful. However, even if she is injured, she will not give up, because she is never a flower hiding in the greenhouse.

Huangfu did not say anything, but gently put Murong into his arms, and the gentle movements carried a trace of reluctance and pity.

Murong leaned gently in the arms of Huangfu. "Oh, actually, I am really fine. White has not hurt my ability. You don't have to worry. I will be careful in the future and try not to hurt myself."

She has no way to guarantee that she will not be injured in the future. What she can do is to avoid injuries as much as possible. She will not easily make promises for things that she can't do. Moreover, she believes that Huangfu will understand her thoughts.

"I know." Huangfu couldn't help but sigh. "Sometimes I really want to turn you into a small one and hide it in my pocket. I can take you wherever I go, so I will Don't worry about you."

After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong couldn't help but laugh and laugh. "You still want to treat me as a doll! If it is like this, I guess you will soon get bored with me." ""

"No." Huangfu's tone is full of determination. "No matter what you look like, I like it."

As long as it is a woman, I believe that few people do not like sweet words, and Murong is naturally the same. Moreover, she believes that Huangfu's words are true.

The pink atmosphere before the two people made the people around them feel clearly. However, such an abnormal situation, but few people dare to peek. After all, the breath of the emperor's body is too strong. As long as they cherish their lives, they dare not sneak a sneak peek.

After the wonderful battle between Murong and the white, the next test, for everyone, is a little less flavor. After all, such a wonderful test is not always seen.

However, Murong did not leave, but continued to stay on the spot to watch the test. Although she was hit by the day, she was not seriously injured, so she did not need to rest. Moreover, she also wants to look at the level of others.

When I saw Murong's snowfall win again, Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "It seems that the evil spirits in Murong's snow are really amazing! Even people who are higher than her, She can win."

"That is the evil spirit of her evil spirits. Nothing can be restrained." Huangfu whispered openly. "And the more skillful the use of those evil spirits, the more they explain that she and the evil things The connection is already deep. It seems that soon, she can directly become the scorpion of the evil."

"Is it?" Murong frowned. "Oh, if I directly strip the evil from Murong, what would she look like? Will it be restored?"

"It's not that simple." Huangfu shook his head and whispered. "And don't say that your current ability can't do this. Now even if the evil thing is stripped from Murong's snow, Murong is absolutely snow." It is impossible to restore it as before."

Murong nodded and no longer said anything.

"The next one, Qinglong College Long Lizhen played against Suzaku College Murong."

With the announcement of Aotian, Murong squinted. She did not expect that Li Wei would directly pour snow on Shang Murong.

Seeing that Long Lie was about to stand on the ring, Murong leaned out and reached out and grabbed Long Li.

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