222 : Devouring the flames of the phoenix (Unedited)

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The fire on Chen Lanli and the two guards was extinguished, but the fire was not quiet, but it was even more violent.

Under the hole, the flame of the phoenix is ​​like a stimulus, and constantly wants to go out. That kind of posture, as if you didn't leave there, you will not give up.

"It's awful." Chen Shanghua's face became very ugly. "The fire has changed."

At the same time, the three elders of Chen's family realized that things had changed. They immediately stood up from their seats and flew to the hole.

"How could this be?" Looking at the stunned fire, the elders' face was dignified. "So many years ago, there has never been such a situation in Shenhuo. What is going on?"

"No matter what is going on, the most important thing now is to let the fire of the gods calm down first." Chen Shanghua stared sharply at the stunned fire, his face condensed. "If you continue this way, the fire will really leave this imprisonment." At that time, things were really out of control."

"We will now reinforce the seal of this hole!" The elders took the initiative and decided to "use the highest imprisonment!"

I don't know when Chen actually got this phoenix flame. But all along, the Phoenix Flame is banned under this open space. In the Chen family, only the saints were elected. With the help of the saints, Chen's talents were able to use the fire. Because of this, the status of the saint in the Chen family is so high.

For many years, Shenhuo has never been in such a state of incitement. Even if Chen's family did not appear again for many years, the fire of God has been silent for many years, and this situation will not happen!

"The highest imprisonment?" After hearing the words of the elders, there was a trace of hesitation on the faces of the two elders. "If the imprisonment technique was used, there would be no way to use the fire in the next hundred years."

This means that even in this hundred years, the ability to select a saint again can not use the fire. This is definitely not a good thing for Chen.

"So far, there is no other way." The elders said seriously. "Looking at the appearance of the phoenix flame, it seems that it will soon be broken out. At that time, the power of the fire, I am afraid it will cause no Small casualties."

"Just do it according to the elders!" Chen Shanghua decided to make a decision.

In Chen Jia, Chen Shanghua's words are the sacred decree. Even a few elders must obey. Now that Chen Shanghua has made a decision, the three elders can only obey. Moreover, according to the current situation, this is already the best way.

Soon, Chen Shanghua and the three elders stood on the four sides of the hole and began to use the imprisonment.

At this time, Chen Liuli fell on the ground not far from the hole. The white gauze on her body had already become ruined under the burning of the fire. There were also many burns on her body, and the blood stained her dilapidated clothes, making her whole person look shocked.

However, despite such a serious injury, Chen Liuli still maintains a trace of consciousness. It can be said that at this moment, she has even a heart of death. Originally she thought that today will be the most brilliant day of her life, but the last day is the most tragic day of her life.

People from all the great families who came to observe the ceremony naturally saw these changes. However, they don't know why this happened. However, after all, it is a family of people, even if they see such a chaotic situation, they are still sitting there firmly, without a trace of confusion.

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