360 : Visit (Unedited)

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Three days later -

In the early morning, Beiying Jingjing has already gotten up, and she has not forgotten what she and Murong have already agreed on today. After she got up, she began to bathe and change clothes, pick out the best-looking clothes, and think about what kind of makeup she wants.

Today, she and Murong made an appointment to visit the North Shadow family. Huangfu has always been inseparable from Murong's face, and it is not the same as the emperor!

As soon as I thought about seeing Huangfu, the mood of Beiying Jingjing could not be calmed down. Today, she wants to present her best self to Huangfu. She wants Huangpu to know that she is more advantageous than Murong.

After tossing a lot, the North Shadow Crystal is like a new look. After careful dressing, at this time, she was a little bit sharper and more savage, and a little more tender and graceful, it seems to be a beautiful appearance.

Satisfied with his current state, Beiying Jingjing came to the guesthouse with great enthusiasm, and then waited for the arrival of Murong and Huangfu in the yard.

"Hey, Miss Beiying seems to be really spirited today!" A crisp voice sounded, and then a figure of a country that appeared in front of the crowd appeared in front of everyone.

It’s not someone else, it’s Murong’s face. Not yet close, she has already seen the well-dressed appearance of Beiying Jingjing. Indeed, after the well-dressed North Shadow Crystal, it looks beautiful, even with a rare charm. Needless to say, she knows who is going to dress up like Beiying Jingjing.

Unfortunately, Beiying Jingjing is destined to be disappointed today. The person she wants to dress up for him, it will not appear today. I don’t know if Beiying Jingjing knows this thing, will it be vomiting blood?

After hearing the sound, Beiying Jingjing hit a spirit, and immediately stood up, and his face was accompanied by a decent smile. However, when she saw the figure coming towards her, the smile on her face seemed a little stubborn.

"Looking at you, you are here!" Although the person in front of him is not the one he wants to see, but the North Shadow Crystal is still smiling on his face. "I haven’t told you many times? You just call my name directly, Miss Miss, it is too rusty."

However, although he is talking with Murong, but the eyes of Beiying Jingjing are from time to time looking at the face behind Murong, hoping to see the figure of their dreams as soon as possible.

Murong’s fascination is like not paying attention to the abnormality of Beiying’s crystal. She is open-minded, “Sui Jing, are you going to take me to visit the Beiying family today? Let’s go now!”

"Hah, what?" After hearing the words of Murong, the North Shadow Crystal smashed a bit, then smiled and said, "Let's go now? We don't need to wait?"

Now that Huangfu has not arrived, how can they leave first? If the Emperor knows, wouldn’t she think she was a very rude person?

“Wait a minute?” Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked an unclear smile. “What are you talking about? Why are we waiting for it? You didn’t say, would you take me to visit? What are you waiting for? Ah? I can't wait to see the glory of your North Shadow family."

After hearing the words of Murong, the North Shadow Crystal was a bit embarrassed. "But now, the Emperor is not yet here? We don't need to wait for him? Otherwise, wait for him to come, I am afraid of him. Will not find anyone!"

"Sui Jing, what are you talking about?" Murong looked like a smile to the North Shadow Crystal, and continued to say, "Why wait for it? He will not visit us today."

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