300 : Forcibly Promoted (Unedited)

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After breaking Song Liyi's hand, Murong's face did not continue to pursue the victory. Instead, he let go of Song Liyi and then jumped a few steps.

Song Liyi can feel the pain from his wrist. She knew that her hand had been broken. This was something she didn't expect. She couldn't think of it, but in a blink of an eye, the situation reversed. It's already a victory.

The people in the audience were even more stunned. Everyone couldn't think of it at all. Murong's face was actually able to hide. Not only did he hide in the past, but he also broke the hand of Song Liyi with a tooth. Moreover, the most important thing is that even if Murong is going to take a shot, everyone can't see clearly what kind of cultivation she is.

Song Huili is a face of Tieqing. He did not expect that under the attack of Song Liyi, he could still be countered by Murong. It's not just Song Liyi who stands on the stage, but also the face of their Song family. Being dominated by a younger generation, this spread out, what is the face of their Song family?

On the contrary, Chen Shanghua's face has a little more smile. In this case, he has already anticipated that this Song Liyi might be an opponent of the face? Even he is not sure that he can defeat the face, this Song Liyi is really self-effacing!

Looking at Song Liyi standing opposite him, Murong is still a cloud of light, just like nothing happened. Even if she saw that Song Liyi's eyes were all hateful, her face was still smiling.

"Is it angry?" Murong pours her face like a naughty little girl. She smiles at Song Liyi. "But don't forget, I'm just the other way, but I'm just doing it, so Don't be too angry."

Seeing the smile on Murong's face, Song Liyi's heart is even more angry. "Murong pours out, you don't think that you can beat me, but it's just a little yellow hair. Even if your hands are folded, I want to kill. You are still easy."

"Oh, then let's try it!" Murong looked at Song Liyi and said quietly. "See if I killed you, or you killed me."

"Big words!"

The smile on Murong's face, in Song Liyi's view, is a naked provocation, and she can no longer care about the pain of her wrist. She immediately began to condense all the mystery in her body, and then attacked the past again toward Murong.

Soon, on Song Liyi's body, there was a trace of something like a silk thread. Those silky things continually drifted toward the face of Murong.

"That is the Song family's inexhaustible." A man under the stage quickly recognized Song Liyi's move. "This is the Song family's school! It is said that you can kill people invisible, it seems this A Murong revelation is in ruin."

As everyone knows, it is a kind of school in the Song family. The silky things are like silky things. They are all made up of mysterious forces. These wires are pervasive and can directly invade people's bodies and then destroy them in the body. Moreover, at the most important time, there are thousands of things in this thread, and even if you want to avoid or completely eliminate them, it is almost impossible.

Although the Song family is an alchemy family, it is undeniable that the Song family's ingenuity is indeed very powerful.

Soon, the silk thread was surrounded by Murong's face, and the silkworms were almost ready to enter the body of Murong.

Such a scene, let the people under the field feel that it seems that by this time, the outcome has been divided. However, everyone is really a bit sorry for the young man who admires Murong. From the first move of the past, the strength of this Murong is not weak, so it is a pity to fall here.

Song Huili had a tight face, and after seeing such a situation, he finally released a little. At the beginning, it should be just that Murong was lucky, but even if it was not lucky, this time, she would never escape. Wait a minute, he should take a good look, Chen's old man's grief expression!

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