220 : Canoning Ceremony (Unedited)

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In the next few days, the people of the major families also came to Chen. For a time, Chen's family was very lively.

And Murong also met Long Lizhen, of course, Long Lizhen did not recognize her. She is really a bit lucky, but fortunately, Huangfu has already given the rotor to the finger, otherwise it will definitely show the horse's feet.

However, the most troublesome thing for Murong to face is that in the past few days, she has encountered Xuanyuan Lang many times. Fortunately, because Huangfu is around, there is not much overlap between her and Xuanyuanlang.

To be honest, she really likes to know where she is showing her feet. How can Xuanyuan Lang hold her up? Even Long Lijun did not recognize her, this Xuanyuan Lang frown will be suspicious?

Time passed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye, the patron saint of the Virgin had arrived.

Chen Liuli sat in her room and looked at the woman in the mirror who had the capacity of a fish and a geese, and her face was shy, and her mouth could not help but smug a smug smile. At the same time, the people in the mirror did the same.

At this time, Chen Liuli was filled with excitement, and her long-awaited days finally arrived. Although many people in the family had already called her a saint before, but the ceremony was not held one day, her name of the saint was not true.

As long as she passed today, she is the veritable saint of Chen. At that time, in Chen's family, except for the head of the family and the elders, she is the highest. At that time, she can deserve the Xuanyuan lesser.

Think of the figure of the stalwart in my heart, Chen Liuli's white face can not help but float a blush. For so many years, her heart has been occupied by the man. In the past, even if she was loved by her family and elders, she still couldn't hope to marry Xuanyuanlang, just because Xuanyuanlang was the young master of the Xuanyuan family, she could not climb.

After today, everything will be different. She has status and has the qualification to stand next to Xuanyuanlang.

"Miss, what are you thinking about?" Xiaoya's face was smiling with a narrow smile. "Is it thinking about Xuanyuan?"

If it is in the weekdays, Xiaoya is not so courageous in any case, dare to tease Chen Liuli. But today is a special day, so even if she really ridicules, she dares to conclude that the lady will not be angry. Moreover, the young lady is quite indifferent to Xuanyuan's lesser, and she is even less angry.

"You gimmick--" Chen Liuli's cheeks are redder, and she screams, "Is there such a slap in the face of your master? Is it skin itch?"

Xiaoya naturally can see that although Chen Ruoli said this on her mouth, she was not angry at all. She sang a song and said with a smile. "It is Xiaoya's fault. She also asked the saint to forgive her. But Xiaoya is just telling the truth. The saint and the Xuanyuan are the masters, but the couple are made in heaven. ""

"Just you have more words." When I heard Xiaoya's words, Chen Liuli's heart was ecstatic, but her face was still angry. "Well, don't say so much, time is coming, let's go!" "

Because of the consent of Chen Shanghua, Huangfu and Murong naturally attended the ceremony of the sacred woman of this time.

The ceremony has not yet begun. At the time of the meeting, Murong saw the family of Chen Haozhang.

When I saw Murong's face and Huangfu, Chen Haozhang immediately greeted him with his wife and children. "Yongda Gongzi, Rong Xiaogongzi, can see you here, it's really very happy. !"

A few days ago, after Murong Yuyan and Huangfu met the family of Chen, their treatment was improved. The people who originally came to Chen's family wanted to change them to the hospital, but in the end, because Murong's face was too troublesome, even if it was. After that, Chen's family gave the two people a lot of convenience, and even went out to explain that these two are Chen's guests.

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