182 : Insufficient Snakes (Unedited)

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"It seems that Chen Gongzi is determined to win today!" Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smiled. "Just, is it really as simple as Chen Gongzi thinks? I don't know, today's request for Danfang is Chen. Is the son's own thoughts still decided by Chen's decision?"

"No matter who's thinking, it doesn't matter." Chen Xianyi looked at Murong and his eyes were all calculations. "Yong Gongzi is a smart person. Naturally, it should be very clear. What kind of practice is the most beneficial for you." of."

"As Chen Gongzi said, I am a smart person. Then do you think that I will make a loss-making business?" Murong pours a face and looks condensed. "I was going to use a top grade stone." Exchanging a floating grass, this should be very profitable for you! But now Chen Gongzi still wants empty gloves and white wolves, take my Dan Fang directly, you think I Will you agree?"

"This can be forbidden by you." Chen Wen, who was on the side, couldn't help but jumped up. "If you don't hand over the Dans today, you don't want to leave."

"Miss Chen is really a big shelf!" Compared with Chen Wen's excitement, Murong looked calmer. "I don't know, I thought it was your Chen family, not the Xinghui auction." OK! Of course, if Miss Chen wants to make any noise here, I am not afraid at all. After all, I am here, but I am going to trade."

At the end of the day, Murong also specifically emphasized the four words of Guangming Zhengda. Although Chen Xianyi should have brought the floating grass today, it is very doubtful whether the origin of the floating grass is bright or not.

Sure enough, after hearing Murong's words, Chen Xianyi glanced at Chen Wen's warning lightly. "Well, Weng light, you sit down first. As a young family, where is your etiquette?"

"Brother!" Chen Wen light is very convinced, but there is no way, or sat down. However, when she looked at Murong, her eyes were still full of viciousness.

"Rong Gongzi, let's talk about it!" Chen Xianyi looked at Murong and continued to speak. "You need to float grass, and I want Dan, we need everything, isn't it? And even I will hand over Dan to you, and you will not lose anything, isn't it? Why not make a friend?"

"Oh, Chen Gongzi, you should know that friends can meet but can't ask for it." Murong pours a sneer at the corner of his mouth. "The true relative is a friend. If you want to benefit from me, you definitely don't think it." Make friends."

After hearing Murong's face, Chen Xianyi's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. When he looked at Murong's face, his eyes became bad. "It seems that Chen has no way to become a friend of Rong Gongzi!"

"Chen Gongzi said with a smile," Murong said, his face was unchanged. "Chen Gongzi is a member of the Chen Jiaxuan Department. His identity is noble. It is Rongmou who dare not climb high. Besides, we are coming out today, and the ultimate goal is not to make friends. It's a deal, isn't it?"

It's just that the deal is still going on, and that's the unknown. She is not a soft persimmon, she will not let the brothers and sisters in front of her eyes. Moreover, what she hates most is being threatened.

"It seems that Rong Gongzi really hates me!" Chen Xianyi sneered and said, "I don't even want to make friends with me."

"Chen Gongzi, are we really going to talk about it here?" Murong pours directly into the theme. "What are we going to do today? Chen Gongzi should not forget it! I don't know if Chen Gongzi still wants it. Continue to trade. If you want to continue trading, it is naturally a joy. If Chen Gongzi does not want to trade, I will not be reluctant."

Things like floating grass can be obtained by Chen Xianyi, and other people in Chen's family can naturally get it. However, she may still have to wait for a while. However, she feels that Chen Xianyi will not let go of the opportunity like today. After all, floating grass has no meaning in Chen Xianyi's hand, and what he needs more now is the top stone.

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