217: Leave (Unedited)

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"How do you pretend like this?"

After the two people had a good taste, Huangfu looked up and down a lot of Murong's dress at this time. Then, with a wave of hand, the disguise of Murong's face disappeared and she restored her original appearance. "It's still this. A look looks pleasing to the eye."

Although it is still a men's wear, but Murong's face has changed back to the original country. If there are outsiders here, it will certainly not recognize the person in front of him as a man.

"You are good, this waved, I will give my Yi Rong Dan." Murong smiled and shook his head. "If I really go out with such a face, Kendy will be suspected." of."

I didn't know it before, but after last night, she knew how similar she and Chen Ruoshui were. If you look at such a face, you will definitely be suspicious.

"Now only me and you are here, there is no need to disguise." Huangfu took Murong's hand and sat down together. He smiled and said, "You are in front of me, just do the most real. You can do it yourself."

Murong smiled and smiled. "Hey, how long can you stay this time?"

Her heart is very clear that Huangfu is not an ordinary person, so he can't always be at his side. In this regard, she will not have any complaints. Although the two talents just met, she still wanted to ask the time to leave. This will allow her to cherish the time between two people.

"Don't worry, this time I can stay with me for a long time." Huangfu reached out and squeezed the little nose of Murong's face, and said, "There is nothing in the world of devils that needs me." I am worried, I will be there for a long time, I will be with you."

"Yeah." When he heard the words of Huangfu, Murong's eyes flashed a little joy. She got up straight and sat down on the legs of Huangfu, reaching out and embracing the neck of the imperial concubine, opening her mouth with a smile. Ok, there are you there, but you can drive away a lot of cows and ghosts!"

"Oh, my role is just to drive away those cows and ghosts?" Huangfu plunged into the ear of Murong's face and whispered. "I thought that staying with you is my biggest role!" "

Feeling the warmth of the air from the ear, Murong's cheeks couldn't help but red, and even the neck was dyed with a bit of red glow. She reached out and gently pushed open the imperial concubine. If you say anything, don't rely on it."

So close, let her head become a paste.

It seems that I feel the shyness of Murong's face, and Huangfu stepped back. She smiled and said, "I didn't expect my face to be shy."

Looking at Murong's cheeks and cheeks, his eyes were affectionate, and Huangfu felt that his heart was tight and his eyes were a little bit tender. Speaking of it, Yan's shy look is really rare! However, in his opinion, it is so cute.

"Who said that I am shy." After listening to Huangfu's teasing, Murong pours the whole person like a fried hair, and immediately retorted, "You are shy! Your family is shy."

After hearing the words of Murong, Rao was always indifferent, and he couldn't help but laugh. He smiled and said, "Yes, my family is shy, especially you, my lady."

Murong's cheeks were redder. She got up straight and coughed twice, trying to calm her inner instigation. "Well, is this time you want to ridicule me?"

Huangfu also knows that there are some things that should be stopped, so I have not continued to admire the face. He put away the smile on his face. "Don't say this, what is it for you to come to Chen this time? Your parents?"

"Yeah." Speaking of serious things, Murong's expression of her face became more serious. She sat down opposite Huangfu. "I have always felt that my parents' disappearance and Chen's family are definitely off. No relationship."

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