296 : Trace of the Fire of God (Unedited)

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When Long Lizhen was talking, the face of Murong's face gradually changed. She seems to think of something, but she has nothing to think about.

"Looking at the face, isn't there something wrong?" Long Lie naturally noticed the change of Murong's face, "still, Li Yu, she-"

"Li said, actually, I think, Long Liyu should have known the things that you had three times." After Murong looked at his face for a moment, he still said, "Although she is not sure if she is involved, but she It must be informed."

"What?" Long Li was shocked. "Looking at the face, are you telling the truth? How come?"

"Li, you know my temper, you should know, I won't take these things to joke." In Long Li's gaze, Murong turned his head and shook his head. "And, I think, your grandfather should I also know this thing."

This time, Long Lizhen was even more shocked. She felt that she had no way to accept so many facts at once. Li Yu knows the fact that Sancha is going to harm her grandfather, but she does not say a word. Grandfather knows all this, but he does not pursue Li Yu's responsibility.

"Dining, this time, I am really a little chaotic." Long Li shook her head and continued to say, "I don't believe you, just this thing -"

"Li, I told you this, and I didn't want to let you do anything, just hope that you pay attention to your cousin." Murong said with a smile, "Although I don't Be sure if she will do anything, but it is always good to be careful."

"Looking at you, thank you for your reminder, you can rest assured, I know what to do." Long Li nodded and nodded. "No matter what, I will never allow her to hurt our dragon." home's."

Murong nodded and no longer said anything more. This was originally a matter of the Dragon family. As an outsider, she could only point to the reminder, and she could not give more opinions. This matter, she felt it necessary to let Li Wei know, so she would say it.

Soon, the store's second child will bring the dishes up. The two ate and ate.

After using the meal, the two continued to stroll on the street. It's not the same. At this time, Long Lizhen didn't have so many thoughts before, and took Murong's face. Look here, play there, but have a good time.

Knowing that night falls, both of them have used up their dinner before returning to the inn.

Originally, Long Lizhen still wanted to take Murong to spend the night outside, but when she thought of the gloomy black face of Huangfu, she immediately changed her mind. Originally, she was very jealous of Huangfu. Now that she knows the identity of the rotor, she is even more afraid to offend. Although she does not know the true identity of Huangfu, but he is the master of the rotor, this is absolutely true.

Murong leaned open and opened the door, and saw Huangfu sitting by the window with a book in his hand and looking at it.

When she saw her coming back, Huangfu put down the book in her hand and said quietly, "You are back."

A simple sentence, but let Murong feel uncomfortable warmth. I don't know why, she always feels that her husband is waiting for his wife to return home.

Thinking of this, Murong's cheeks could not help but burst into heat.

Seeing Murong's appearance, Huangfu raised an eyebrow. "Yan, what's wrong with you? How suddenly the face is so red."

"Nothing." Murong shook his head and shook his face. His face was open. "It just came back from the outside, so I feel a bit hot. Yes, it's a bit hot."

Between the talks, probably to make their arguments more convincing, she is constantly fanning by hand.

Looking at Murong's appearance, Huangfu felt a bit confused, but he did not seem to be hurt when he saw Murong's face, so he didn't worry too much. "Did you go out with Longli today and have fun?"

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