352 : A Secluded idea

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On the other side, the secluded water with the North Shadow crystal, also returned to the room. However, such a thing happened, she directly brought Beiying Jingjing back to her yard, and told me that these things happening today must not be transmitted.

Fortunately, when there are things happening today, not many people know, so it is not difficult to take advantage of this matter.

After the solitude of the North Ying Jingjing sat down on the bed, he took out a bottle of medicinal herbs from his own space, poured out one, and then directly fed it to Beiying Jingjing.

I don’t know if it’s because the efficacy of the medicinal herbs is very good. Soon after the payment of the medicinal herbs, the face of Beiying’s jingjing is better at the speed of the naked eye. It’s still pale and more. A blush.

"Mother, or your best medicine." North Shadow Crystal pulled a hand of water, spoiled and said, "After taking your medicine, I feel that my injury is almost better." ”

"Don't think that you can hide in this way." Looking at the shadow of the North Shadow, the secluded water directly sank a face. "What happened in the end today, you told me honestly, there is no sentence." The lie, or else, go straight to explain to your father!"

After hearing the faint water, Beiying Jingjing was also afraid. She quickly took the hand of the secluded water and said with a pleading. "Mother, today, you must never let your father know." Otherwise, he will definitely not let me go."

Before the momentum rushed to find Murong to pour out, it was because of impulsiveness, so no matter what, no matter what. But now that she has calmed down, she is scared after she starts. If this thing happened to her father, she would really not be able to eat and walk away.

"Why, you know that you are scared now!" Looking at the shadow of the North Shadow, the water could not help but reach out and poke the forehead of the North Shadow Crystal, and said, "You just went to find someone else." At that time, why don’t you know that you are afraid? If you run over like that, don’t you just want to make things big? Don’t look at whether you have the ability to be a good one.”

"Mother, I am not deliberate!" North Shadow Crystal took a hand of a secluded water and screamed as he waved. "At that time, I was too angry, and I never thought about the consequences. Rushing out. Niang, you can't leave me alone!"

Looking at the appearance of Beiying Jingjing, I don’t know if I should cry or if I should laugh. After a long sigh, she said, "Okay, I have already suppressed this thing. Your father. If you don't know, you can feel good about it!"

"Mother, I know you will not care about me." After hearing the water, Beiying Jingjing really breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately reached out and hooked the neck of the water, spoiled the road. "If there is not you, this time I really don't know how to be punished by my father!"

"You still have to take care of your heart!" said a quiet and helpless voice. "If you have been so impulsive, it is very unfavorable for you. Especially those in the hospital, you know that your father values ​​them very much." You are still going to make trouble, isn't this deliberately uncomfortable?"

"Mother, I am not deliberate." Hearing the blame in the singular words, the North Shadow 琉 撇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ah! It’s just a few guests, but I dare to take away the things of the host, which is even more unreasonable than the robbers."

After hearing the narrative of Beiying Jingjing, the faint water could not help but frown. She asked her, "What is going on here, you tell me carefully."

This time, Beiying Jingjing did not have any concealment, and he said everything about it. Of course, there are some vinegar and vinegar ingredients in it.

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