308 : Blackbird (Unedited)

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The next day, when I came to serve Long Liyu, I found that the room was empty. Seeing such a situation, I was really scared, and she immediately went to report the matter to the owner.

Upon hearing this news, Long Kui and Long Liuqi immediately rushed to Long Liyu's room, and found that there was no one inside, and the bed was already cool, indicating that Long Liyu had been away for a long time.

Because I knew that Long Liyu's mood was not good, I didn't leave anyone waiting in the room yesterday, just letting you wait outside, waiting for Long Liyu to scream. No one even thought of it, but it was a night's time, and Long Liyu had disappeared into this room.

The waiter was kneeling on the floor, and his face was so far with a stern expression. At this time, her heart was indeed scared, because yesterday she was waiting outside, but today she was gone in the early morning, which is obviously her responsibility.

Long Kui sat there, his face was dark and unclear, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Long Liuqi was sitting next to him, his face full of worries.

After the investigation, I still did not find any clues. Long Kui can only tell the story, let people look around Long Liyu.

Long Liyu is gone, and it is a big event in the Dragon family. However, this matter is no bigger than that of the exchange meeting. Therefore, after explaining everything clearly, Long Kui took the dragon family and walked in the direction of the square.

Long Liu Qi did not go together, but stayed in the inn, waiting for the news at any time.

The competition of the exchange meeting is still going on fiercely. After a knockout in a field, fewer and fewer people are staying. However, because of this, the test is getting more and more exciting.

Time passed quickly, and it took three days for a blink of an eye, and the test also entered the final stage. Almost every player who plays is now a master. Now everyone will seriously look at each match, masters, and always get a lot of inspiration from such a match.

However, in the comparison test here, one more thing happened, one that made the Song family feel panic.

As long as the opponent of the Song family's disciple is Huangfu, then there is absolutely no way to leave the ring alive. This has almost become a law.

In such a situation, every disciple of the Song family feels scared and afraid that he is the next person to be opposed to the emperor. Everyone in the Song family's face is very dark, especially Song Huili, and the dark face makes people feel scared.

In contrast, the face of Chen Jia and Long Jia is much better. Both of them had been counted by the Song family before, and now they see that the Song family are eating, and their hearts are naturally very happy.

"The next one, Song Jia Song Tianyu is against Chen Jiahuang."

With the announcement of Luo Chengyi, the face of Song Tianyu standing at the position of the Song family suddenly turned white. His lips did not have a trace of blood, and his body was still twitching.

When he heard his name, Song Tianyu felt that he had already heard the call of death. What kind of endgames the former brothers and sisters had before, he was all in the eyes. Now Huangfu is in his eyes, a demon more terrible than death.

The surrounding brothers and sisters are all persuading them. After he is on stage, he will directly admit defeat, so that he can save his life. He felt that he had listened to it, but he couldn't say anything, and he didn't know what happened to him.

At this time, Huangfu was already standing on the platform. Looking at the Song family who had not come on stage, his eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

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