175 : Lesson (Unedited)

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"Murong girl, I know, Meier's provocation again and again makes you feel dissatisfied, but she is always my sister." Si Huang put his own posture lower, "also asked Murong girl to see In the acquaintance of one, let go of this time."

"Si Huang, Si Gongzi, do you think your face is really so big?" Murong said with a smile, "Sie Meier offended me again and again, do you think I really should be like this? Do you continue to tolerate her?"

I heard the voice of Murong's face, and for a time, Si Huang didn't know how to answer it. After all, there is no relationship between Murong and Meier. It is indeed unnecessary to tolerate Meier again and again. However, he has no way to watch Meier's accident.

"Murong girl, I know, my request is very excessive, but please look at the division's share, just bypass the sister-in-law this time!" Si Huang thought again and again, again, "I am willing to replace the division Home, then owe Murong girl a favor."

Nowadays, this is the only way. Since you have already owed a person, you don't care about owing another one. He can't always watch his sister die here.

"It seems that your family's human feelings are not very difficult to get!" Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and smirked a satirical smile. "It is only one day, your family is willing to owe me two people."

After hearing Murong's words, Si Huang's face could not help but be a bit sloppy, because Murong's face was all true, he could not refute it, and he did not know how to refute it.

"Murong girl, I know that your heart is very dissatisfied with us, but please raise your hand and let Meier this time." Si Huang arched his hand, with a hint of carelessness on his face, "I believe, after this After one time, she will certainly be able to learn the lesson."

However, although this is said in the mouth, but in the heart of Si Huang, is it possible for Shi Meier to correct it? This younger sister is a typical type of eating and remembering. Even if you are scared this time, it is difficult to save the next time. However, even so, he must be protecting this sister.

Murong leaned in the eyebrows and finally nodded. "Look at the face of the family. I will let her go once today. However, if she does not converge in the future, then don't blame me. As for your family, you must Remember, you owe me two people."

Finally, I heard that Murong was willing to let go, and Si Huangzhen took a sigh of relief. "Thank you for the generosity of Murong girl. I will definitely educate my children in the future."

After this incident, Si Huang felt that he might really have to discipline this sister. At least let her think twice before acting.

Murong looked at Huangfu and looked at it. Although she didn't say anything, she knew that Huangfu understood her meaning.

Sure enough, soon, Shi Meier fell from the air to the ground. As soon as she fell to the ground, she coughed constantly and breathed fresh air. After experiencing such a life and death, she felt how precious the air was.

Moreover, after experiencing such a thing, she no longer dared to provoke a sense of envy. Before, although I had heard my brother say that Murong had a face, but after all, there was no real experience. But now that she has personally experienced the horror of this, she naturally does not dare to do these things again.

Seeing Shi Meier's eyes with a hint of fear, Murong pours a corner of his mouth and smirk a smile. Obviously, she is still very satisfied with this result. From the beginning, she did not want to be the life of Secretary.

Although Si Huang owed her a favor on behalf of the family, but if she really wanted the life of Si Meier here, then this person is really abolished. Therefore, she just wants to give a lesson to Si Meier.

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